18 | Where the arrow points us

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"Excuse me?" I answer back to Noah's idiotic question.
"Who the hell is Marco?" Noah grits his teeth.

"Why the fuck does that matter?" I answer back with another question.
"It matters because he came to my office today looking for you not knowing who the fuck at I to you."

I roll my eyes and turn my back to Noah, walking back to the kitchen and hearing Noah's footsteps follow behind me.

"Answering the question Maya!" He frustratingly says.
"He's just a friend I met, damn it!" I scream out.
"A friend? He was asking as if he wanted to kidnap you and keep you all to himself!" Noah says back to me.

"You sound delusional." I respond.
"I sound delusional? Please elaborate." Noah says in a cocky, annoyed tone.

"You're getting upset when there is nothing going on between us!"
Noah doesn't respond, he doesn't even move a muscle.

I take a few deep breaths and close my eyes. I should calm myself down before I slap him with a spatula.

I hear Noah's feet take slow steps towards me. I keep my eyes shut, not wanting to see him at the moment.

"Tell me there isn't going on between us." His voice is hard but gentle at the same time.
"Tell me that every time I'm near you, your heart doesn't race."

It's like he could control my body. At his words, my heartbeat quickens at his command.
I take in the husky smell of his cologne before opening my eyes to see him towering over me.

"I can't do this with you right now."
I push past him and go find Luna upstairs.


"Is everything okay?" Sophie asks.
I lay my head on my palm and take a deep breath.

"Just Noah, again." I emphasize.
"Y'all make it so hard on y'all's self for no reason." Sophie stands and almost exits the room before I stop her.

"What do you mean?" I ask.
Sophie gives me the 'are you serious' look.

"All you and Noah do is argue when there is nothing to argue about. You both need to realize that you are no longer together but if you're gonna keep bitching about things then just fuck already!" Sophie says.

I laugh under my breath.
"I doubt that would happen." "Well figure it out because there's a child in the next room who needs both of you, not just one parent."

Sophie leaves the room and I rearrange my position on my seat to rethink my thoughts. My thoughts about what I want, what Luna wants. But most importantly, what I want with Noah.


I hear the front door open as I watch tv in the living room.
"Is Luna asleep?" I hear Noah ask behind me. "Yeah, she already ate and she'll be out all night."

I lower the volume on the tv. "We need to talk." I say to Noah. "Okay, talk." He says like I'm one of his little servants.

"Whatever you think is going on with me and Marco is completely wrong. I barely met him and I have no intentions to have anything with him." I say.
"Okay." Noah gives no emotion and just shrugs his shoulders.

"And whatever you want for us, now is the time to come forward."
Noah doesn't move. His stare burns inside me as I watch his chest evaluate.

He slowly walks to me, cupping my chin and making me look up at him.
"I want nothing to do with you."

Thank you for reading today's chapter

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Thank you for reading today's chapter.

Also don't hate me for the late update as well. I recently got a job and of course I still have school but I will still make time for you all.

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. Stay healthy and safe, I love you babes. -R. <3


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