8 | Just a phase

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I smile inside while I hear Luna singing and dancing to the radio.
"Do you like this song?" I ask. "Obviously!" I laugh to myself while I take my phone and add the song to my playlist.

"Can we go eat pizza?" She asks. "You really want pizza when I can take you to a five star restaurant?"
"PIZZA!" She yells. "Okay okay!"

I drive to the nearest pizza place I can find.
"What would you like princess?" "The pepperoni one." She points to the menu.
"Excuse me." I call to the lady behind the counter.

"Why hello there sir. Are you here for pizza or something more?" She says in a flirtatious way. I hear Luna fake gag beside me.
"We're here for pizza." I can slightly hear Maya's attitude in Lunas voice.

"We'll have 2 slices of pepperoni pizza please." I say to the lady.
"Is that it?" "Yes." I say seriously.

The lady turns over and grabs 2 slices of pizza with 2 plates.
"$5." I place a 5 dollar bill on the counter and take our pizza.

I sit in front of Luna while she eats her pizza with a happy smile on her face.
"Luna." I say her name to grab her attention. She lifts her face and locks eyes with me while pizza is stuffed in her mouth.

"I want to know what's been going on with you." Luna wipes her mouth before she talks.
"Well, it's always just been mommy and me. Every guy that's tried to come into our life usually never stays."

I don't know why but it puts me at ease to know that no other man had tried to take the father position in Lunas life.

"School is okay I guess." She says while she stares down at her plate.
"You guess?" "It's been hard to make friends."

I feel a strange pain inside my chest. Luna shouldn't have to struggle with anything.

"If anybody doesn't want to be your friend, they're a dumbass." I say.
Luna laughs at me and my choice of words.
"Don't tell your mom I said that!" That only makes her laugh more.

She shakes her head. "It can be our secret." Her voice rings. She holds out her pinky and I lock our pinkies together.

The bond I've built with Luna is beyond anything I could imagine. The electric feeling I have with her is a joyful rush in my body that I'm never ready for.

I drive to my mansion with Luna dancing around in the back the whole ride. It brought me a relaxed feeling to notice what she become.

When I open the door, Liam and Jax are point guns to each other like children.
"Looks who back!" Liam says. Jax turns and they both see Luna in my arms.

"Who's this?" They ask. I motion for them to follow me into the kitchen while I call for Sophie and Elena to come as well.

When everybody is finally in the kitchen, Im finally ready to break the wonderful news.
"Guys, this is my daughter Luna."

Everyone's faces turned shocked.
"You got Bella pregnant?" "Hell no!" I yell out to Sophie.
"Then who's this gorgeous girls mama?" Elena asks while she displays her hand to Luna.

"Maya's her mom." Every looks at me surprised now.
"Maya? I thought you guys broke up." "We did and we still are." I respond to Jax.

"Noah!" I hear bella call from upstairs. I roll my eyes and huff under my breath.
"Elena, please watch Luna while I handle some business." Elena nods while I go upstairs to my bedroom.

I open the door to find Bella sitting on my bed wearing only her underwear.
"Bella we need to talk." I say while closing the door.
"We can do that later." She says while rubbing the sheets.

"No. We need to talk now." I don't bother walking towards her.
"Fine. What is it?" "This isn't working out."

"What do you mean?" She stands from the bed. "I mean this was a mistake, a phase for me to distract myself."
"Noah you're talking nonsense." She turns her back towards me and tells me to walk to the bed.

"I'm serious bella! I can't do this anymore. I can't be with someone I don't love."
"You don't love me?" Her voice breaks at her words.

"You deserve someone who actually wants to be with you."
"And you don't?!" She yells.
"I love someone else Bella!" "It's that brunette bitch I saw at the wedding isn't it?" "I told you to never talk about Maya like that!"

She stands still and I let me breathing turn back to normal.
"So that's Maya. The famous Maya who you're so in love with after she left you!"
"You should leave." I say, keeping my head down from looking at her.

All I hear is Bells grab her things and slam the door.

All I hear is Bells grab her things and slam the door

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I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. Stay healthy and safe, I love you babes. -R. <3


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