20 | Too late

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I quickly duck behind the couch, pulling Elena down with me.
"What the fuck is this shit?" Elena furiously asks. "They must be here for Luna. Stay here while I try to get to the basement. Call Sophie, Liam, and Jax." I whisper to her.

I crawl while glass continues to be broken. I cut myself as I accidentally inject a sharp piece into my forearm.
I continue to crawl while I keep the glass shard in my skin to keep my blood from escaping.

I finally reach the basement and run to the guns and weapons. I grab multiple belts with extra bullets and thigh belts to keep knifes in.

I run back up and start shoot towards the window where the bullets are coming from. I kick a gun to Elena, and she joins me.

Soon, Sophie, Liam, and Jax break in, guns held high and ready.
"Where is Noah?" Liam asks. "Forget Noah, protect Luna and find that asshole!" I order.

Jax and Liam both run outside to search around the house while Sophie runs upstairs to check on Luna.
I ask Elena to stay on guard with me and start searching the entire house inside.

I scan the kitchen, not seeing anything suspicious.
I walk out into the dark hallway beside the kitchen and I feel my hair be pulled and my head hit the wall.

My body falls to the floor quickly and I feel a sharp sudden pain in my stomach. I must've been hit when a table or some kind of large shit.
Hands wrap around my wrists and pull me toward a body.

"Aren't you a pretty little thing?" A annoyingly voice says as they hold my jaw with their other hand. Their breath rubs against my face, making my sick.
I wrap my hands around the unknown persons throat and push. We fight each other, waiting for someone to give up.

I finally take advantage and dig my nails inside their throat, hopefully cutting them somewhat.
I must've done something because their grip on my wrists and jaw loosens.
I push the person again the wall, quickly grabbing my gun off the ground and shoot them in the head, hearing their body hit the ground.

I switch the light on, seeing a man laying lifelessly on the hallway tiles. I've never seen this man before, nor do I know where he came from.

"Maya!" I hear Liam call. I run to the living room to see another man laying on the ground with his hands and legs tied while unconscious.
"We found him in the backyard, with this." Jax says, while handing me a sniper and a stand.

"Fucking perfect." I sarcastically say.
My worst nightmare comes to life. I hear Luna screaming upstairs.

I run upstairs, Liam and Jax following behind me. I open the door and see Sophie unconscious on the floor while a woman has my daughter in her arms.
"Mommy!" Luna screams out for me.

I rush towards her, but the woman throws her back on the bed.
I push the woman against the wall. "You bitch! Don't ever fucking touch my daughter!" I yell in her face.

I take the bedside lamp and hit the woman's head.
The woman takes my glass shard from my forearm and slices my hand, making me bleed from 2 places now.

I take a glass shard from the lamp and slice her throat, blood spitting from her throat onto me. How disgusting.

Her body falls, and I quickly run to Luna.
"Did she hurt you?" I ask while I check every inch of her. "I'm scared." Luna responds. "I know princess I'm so sorry." I pull her into my arms and she cries into my shoulder.
I've protected Luna for 5 years and never has it come this far, but it's always been one person, never a group.

Liam takes Sophie and we all go back to the living room.
I wouldn't want Luna to see the rest but I'm not leaving her. She's already seen so much growing up, and though I wish to continue this with her asleep, I'm afraid to leave her alone again.

Luna sits on a side table near Liam and Jax, as me and Elena put the unconscious man on a chair, tying him.

The man soon wakes up, shaking to escape.
"Gosh, why are people always so stupid when they try to escape?" Elena asks in the air.
"Exactly!" I playfully answer Elena.

"You're both in big trouble. Once they find out I didn't return with the girl they'll know what you did." He man says in a confident tone.
"Then they'll also get the message." I respond.

"You're Maya Castillo, aren't you?" The man asks. "Why is that important?" "Because you used to be our target, but you and Noah loved each other so much that you made a easier target to get under his skin." He says like it's all a game to him.

"My daughter isn't your little bait you bastard. I hope you and whoever you're working with understands that." I say frustratingly, holding my gun under his chin.
"You're so much hotter in person." The man awes at me like he didn't just threaten my daughter.

I press the gun against his throat and shoot, watching his eyes widen and quickly close.

"This place is a mess." I say. "And who's fucking fault is all of this?"
I look behind me and see Noah standing by the front door.

 "And who's fucking fault is all of this?"I look behind me and see Noah standing by the front door

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Thank you for reading today's chapter.

Okay, so before you say "Luna is so young she shouldn't be seeing her parents killing people." SHE LITERALLY IS THE DAUGHTER OF A MAFIA LEADER AND A MOTHER WHO KILLS TO PROTECT HER! (Don't hate the player hate the game)

Also happy thanksgivings everyone! I wanted to surprise you with this chapter because I know I can be a little *cough* late *cough* with the updates :(

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. Stay healthy and safe, I love you babes. -R. <3


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