Part 2

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Secretly Damon is in love with elena but no one but he knows that because if anyone found out stefan would kill damon and damon didnt want to ruin his bond with his brother. If Elena found out she wouldnt want to be his friend anymore so he decided to keep the little secret to himself. "Wait so Isobel just asked elena to let her in out of the blue to her house to keep her safe?" Damon asked. "Thats what elena said and also she wants the moon stone." said stefan. the moon stone is a stone that keeps werewolves from turning on a full moon and vampire weakend by the sun unless if you have a daylight ring." whats she want the moon stone for?" asked damon." I dont know but i am going to find out." stefan declared. "Elena i know you dont have the moon stone but damon does and i know he will give it to you do you think you can get it for me?" Isobel begged. "No! theres no way i will help you hurt my friends and family." Elena said. "well i have a vampire traking jeremys every move and when i tell him he is going to turn him." Isobel said rudely. "Fine i will get it from damon but not for you. its for my family and friends own protection." Elena decided."Damon i need the moon stone to keep it safe from isobel because she cant get into the house with out my permission." Elena said nicely." I cant give it to you." damon said. "Why not!" elena demanded." because you will give it to isobel just to save your pitty little friends." Damon said. "fine you don't want to give it to me then I will find it myself." elena said rudely. "you're not going to find it. it's hidden in a very special place where no one will find it." Damon said mockingly. elena walked upstairs to the bathroom to fix her hair it was falling out of her pony tail and she looked through the pile of decorative stones and at the bottom there lies the moonstone so she took it. elena met up with bonnie asked her if there was anything she could do to the moonstone and bonnie reversed the spell that was casted among the stone and handed it to elena to take to isobel. elena met isobel at the mystic falls park. "wait before i give you the stone and before you hand over jeremy how did you know that damon would give me the moonstone?" elena asked. "because elena damon is in love with you!" isobel stated. "what?" elena said. elena handed over the moonstone to isobel and isobel gave jeremy back then isobel flew away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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