Michael: Labor & Birth

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HOUR 1 (his pov)

I was right in the middle of my guitar solo when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped back and noticed it was Dave. Luke noticed and finished the solo. Dave put his hand on my shoulder and brought me a few steps back so we were a little bit behind where Ashton was banging the hell out of the drums. Either someone had died or Dave was just messing with me during my favorite song. If he is then he's going to pay. "It's your wife-she's in labor!" He shouted in my ear. My mouth dropped open in shock, "what, really?! Oh my gosh" Calum looked over wondering what was happening. I ran to him and he backed away from the mike. "Tell the guys to cover for me- Charlottes in labor!" I shouted in his ear and he nodded, "good luck!" Then he made it in time to join the chorus. I ran off the stage handing my guitar to the first person I saw. I sprinted to my car still in my Ozzy Osbourne tank and black skinny jeans. I smelled horrendous from the hot lights and running around on stage. I hopped into my car and pulled out. I would be lying if I said I was going the speed limit- who cares my wife's in labor! A million thoughts raced through my head. Wow, this is real. In a couple hours I'll be a dad. I then pulled into our driveway sideways and jumped out with the car still running. The door swung opened "Charlotte, honey I'm here now!" I found Charlotte hunched on the kitchen counter. She didn't look up. I'm guessing shes having a contraction. I came to her side and started stroking her hair. "Char are ready to go?" I whispered calmly-Im so proud of myself for not panicking. She slowly nodded, "Thank god your here." She whispered standing up straight to hug me. We walked over to the door awkwardly. She still didn't let go. I found a way to grab her hospital bag still holding on to her. Then I helped her in the car and we drove off.
HOUR 2 (her pov)

The car ride seemed like the longest car ride of my life. The pain was bearable but a little bit worse then i would be with a single baby. When we got to the hospital Michael yelled, "My wifes in labor!" He probably didn't know else to do. Any other time I would be embarrassed and mad but I didnt care right now. I just wanted to lay down. A nurse brought a wheelchair to me and Michael went to the front desk. Then I got settled in a room. I slowly started to fall asleep. Might as well sleep now while I can....

I woke up by a shooting pain spreading across my stomach. I softly whimpered opening my eyes to see Michaels face. "Hey, how are you holding up?" He said. "Ok" mumbled once the contraction passed. "Your doctor stopped by and said they were going prep you in ten minutes for your c-section. Your 4 centimeters dilated. I also contacted our family so they should be in the waiting room soon." I slowly nodded not really wanting to speak as I recovered from the previous contraction. At my last ultrasound my doctor said it was likely that I would have a c-section so its not news to me.

Surely enough in ten minutes there was a knock on the door and in came my doctor and four others. Only one person could accompany me in the operating room, the nurses said to my family in the hallway. "Who will that be?" Michael quickly raised his hand, "Me." He was so serious; sure. They started to wheel my bed. Theres definitely no turning back now.
HOUR 5.5 (his pov)

A nurse handed me blue scrubs and I took them. "Here, ill show you were to put them on." She said waving her hand for me to follow. The other nurses wheeled Charlottes bed down the hall. I followed the nurse. "So is this your first?" She asked. I sheepishly grinned, "yes" I answered. "You have nothing to be afraid of, trust me. I may warn you not to look on the other side of the curtain. We've had like two guys pass out. There you go! Change here then go there when your done." She pointed to an open door and I quickly put the scrubs over my clothes then going to where she pointed. My mother and some guys had also warned me that i might not want to watch the babies come out so that wasnt the first time i had been warned. When i walked in there were about six people, all busy with something. Char was getting her numbing shot. I asked some guy to take a picture of me. "Michael! What the hell are you doing!? I'm kinda busy being prepped to be cut open!" Charlotte shouted at me across the room. I know I should be paying attention to her but I just need one pic. I stood there posing with my thumbs up and tongue out. Click! "Got it man." The guy said handing me back my phone. "Sweet! Thank you." I walked over to Char on a operating table in the center of the room. Its happening! She looked up at me smiling. "I can't believe it. We're not crying right?" I smiled back shaking my head, "Nope". Ok, so I know the nurse and people said not to peek but I did. When people tell me not to do something it only makes my want to. Wow, I see why they said not to. My wife is completely disassembled. I can see inside her! She's got a liver and intestines! Biggest science class ever. This is the worst, seeing my partners inside. Like put her back together! I was snapped out of it when I heard a scream. It was my son. "Here's the first boy!" The doctor said raising him up. Char and I could only look at him for a couple of seconds before someone took him away to be cleaned. "Jackson" Charlotte and i said at the same time. I dont know how to describe it but his screams sounded like a Jackson. For the second baby I focused my eyes on Charlotte trying not to have a repeat. Man, that image can not be unseen. I looked over at Jackson being cleaned off but then quickly looked back because I don't want to miss his brother. "Char, Ive been thinking can we switch their middle names to Jackson Axel and Dylan Max?" I asked. "Yes, i love it." She nodded. Dylan came into the world three minutes after his brother. Dylan wasn't screaming as loud as Jackson did. I felt my eyes water a litte. Those were my boys. "Nope definatly not crying." Charlotte sobbed. "Definatly not." I sobbed back.

Jackson Axel born at 2:29 am & Dylan Max at 2:32 am on October 22

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