Week 26

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Ashton (her pov)

"I swear Ashton, at this point it feels like this baby (who i haven't even met yet) has taken over my life already.She's interfering with my sleep. She's messing with my brain. Shes also been giving me a stress headache or two." Ashton and I were video chatting. He made the mistake of asking me how I'm doing and feeling. He chuckled at my rant. "Enough about me, how about you? Are you guys almost finished?" I asked him. "Yeah i guess you can say we're almost there. You guys haven't been eating all my Vegemite, right?""Nope" I lied. I heard knocking at the door, "Hold on, someone's at the door." I got up and went down the stairs to the main entrance. I opened the door, "Ashton, your home!" I squealed hugging him as much as I could with my bump in the way. "Mandy, I've missed you so much! I got an early flight home." We were still hugging like there was no tomorrow. "I wasn't kidding about the Vegemite. Is there really any left? I'm starving."
Calum (her pov)

I snuggled into Calum as the sun came up. Calum got home late last night. I only got about two hours of sleep because we stayed up all night talking. "Hey" I whispered when I saw his eyes slowly open. "Hey," he whispered back smiling. "Is it already morning?" He said yawning. I giggled. I'm use to getting less then five hours of sleep a night. "Let's just stay here and be lazy. I'm not ready for the effort it takes to get up." I said half serious, half joking. He chuckled sleepily. "Oh yeah, I got you a little something something." He rolled over and got something out of the bag on the floor next to his night stand. He rolled back and placed a Pandora box in the middle of us. "Calum, you didn't-""But I wanted to. This is like one of my thank yous for carrying my daughter that I know you were unsure about. I bet its not easy, especially when I wasn't here." He said making me get teary eyed. "Aw thank you. I would kiss you but your too far away." I laughed picking up the box and opening it. In it lied a bracelet with about eleven charms. Theres a heart, a bird for Bird, a mermaid, mystic flower, a bow, a music note, hockey puck, maple leaf, a sea shell with a starfish and a bear with a pink bow. "I don't know what to say... thank you I love it and I love you!" I got as close as I could to kiss him this time. "I love you." He then put his hands on my belly feeling the baby kick. "And you too baby girl."
Luke (his POV)

When the plane landed and ran off the flight. Sams picking me up from the airport. I reminded her ten times plus made her write it down on the fridge so she wouldn't forget. I walked outside to the car pool line with two guards by my side. Only a few fans have spotted me but from years of experience I learned that where there's a few fans there's millions. I looked everywhere for her wanting to get out of here and on the couch. I spotted her/our jeep and jogged to it leaving the guards. She saw me coming and got out of the car. Man, was she beautiful. I kissed her when I got to her. Something I've been longing to do. "Hey I'm looking for my husband. He's like six foot, tall legs, blond hair, blue eyes, and super cute." We laughed. I put my arms around her, giving her a bear hug. "I've missed you so much." I said still hugging her. Then I noticed something different about our hug, "Wow I almost cant hug you!"
Michael (his POV)

"Hey stranger" she said when I accidentally woke her up by dropping my bags down. "Hey I'm sorry. Im home two minutes and already being disruptive." I said. She laughed, "Youre not disruptive...all the time. Now come here and cuddle with me. Its been three weeks!" She said holding out her arms for me. I plopped on the bed wrapping my arm around her shoulder. "You have no idea how much I've missed you." I whispered. She smiled, her eyes slowly closing. "I've missed you too." Something in the corner of the room caught my eye. "Char what is that body long pillow?" I asked. "Oh yeah, my mom gave me it to sleep better." She said and I got up grabbing it. Not thinking, I threw it out the window. "What?! Michael?! What the hell?! I need that to sleep." She was pretty angry. "No you don't, you have me. I'll be your pillow." I got back in bed. "Alright fine. You're lucky im too tired but I am going outside tommorw to get that, whether you like it or not." She yawned. "No your not. Now go to sleep."

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