Week 23

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All: Its award season so the boys schedule is full with award shows, interviews, performances on tv shows, etc. They'll be gone for three weeks minimum. (A/N: sry some may be the same)
Ashton (his POV)

I woke up by the sound of my alarm. I looked over at Mandy who was still sound asleep. I hated that I had to leave her for three weeks. Its just that it's going to be go go go. I'd barely be able to see/take care of her. It'd be pointless to take her with us. I got dressed and squatted by her side on the bed where she was sleeping. I looked at her for a minute thinking of how I wouldn't see that face for three whole weeks. I kissed her forehead then slowly stood up. She started to stir then she shot up, "Oh my gosh Ashton! I slept in! Give me five minutes to get ready then I can take you." She said in a panic. I put my arms on her shoulder, "Stop Mandy. It's OK, I have a ride and if you come I won't leave." "No but I was going to drive you then say bye to you at the gate." She moped. "Please baby, just stay here. You're just making it more worse than it is and I'm pretty sure your not allowed to come to the gate." I half smiled. "Then I'll run past the police." At chuckled at her. "Pregnant? I don't think so. I got to go Mans." We hugged for a minute then I kissed her one last time. "I'm sorry" I whispered walking out. She followed me to the door. I heard a honk meaning the taxi was here. I walked out getting in the car. I waved to Mandy on the porch as we drove off.
Calum (his POV)

How I wished I wasn't me right now. I was sitting on our jet next to Luke. Four more hours till LA... There's only been one thing on my mind, Rachel. I'm torn in two. I'm doing my dream job. It's what I've always wanted to do and I love it. I just wish it didn't make me hate myself for doing it. It was better to leave Rache home this time though. It wouldn't have been any different if she came. I would be preforming and when I'm not doing that I'll either be on an interview or at an award show. The only break we get is in the car to the next event. "You alright Calpal? You look worried." Luke asked. I smiled at that nick name. "I just hate having to be a thousand miles away from Rachel. Especially now since she's pregnant and needs some help with things." I said playing with a loose string on my shirt. "Calum, I'm sure she's be alright. It's just three weeks not three months. Plus she knows you're doing what you love." He said. "Thanks man, you're the best." He smiled at me in return. When can I get off this damn plane!? I need to make I phone call to my wife.
Luke (her POV)

I was helping Luke pack his final items. He's leaving at the crack of dawn tomorrow. Liz came to the house yesterday. She's only staying for half the time. Luke was the one to called her. He thinks I need some help around the house and some watching over. I didn't bother arguing with him this time. I know hes just looking out for me. Plus I really do need some help and looking over. I could barely remember what the day of the week it is and even my own name. As we finished packing Liz came up to our room to say goodbye. "Goodbye Luke. Have fun but not too much fun. I'll miss you. Good night!" She kissed him on the cheek then hugged him, it all seeming familiar. She was used to him leaving like this by now. I don't think I'll ever be used to it. "Sam, I should get to bed. Its going to be a long day tomorrow." He said looking down at his feet upset he was leaving. "Luke...." I started but then a tear went down my cheek. It just hit me that I'll be without Luke for three weeks. If I wasn't pregnant it wouldn't matter as much. "Hey hey hey, please don't cry. I'll be back before you know it and I'm sure my mom will entertain you enough." He said embracing me in his arms, "Come cuddle with me." I nodded not trusting my words. He kissed me one last time then led me to bed. We got under the covers and cuddled. I was so dreading when I would wake up without him beside me.
Michael (her POV)

He was officially gone. The car drove off with my green haired man. The tears that I held back for Michael were let loose. I was brave because i didn't want to make it harder for him leave. I slid down the back of the door and weeped on the floor. Its been five minutes since he left and I already missed him like crazy. It reminded me when we were dating and he had to go on tour. At least then I could've visited him. I have no idea what to do with myself. It's going to be a boring three weeks without him. As I got up deciding that I wasn't going to cry about it all day I saw a big present with a blue bow on top in the kitchen. I picked it up and carried it up stairs to the nursery. I love sitting in that rocking chair. I sat down and did not hesitate to open it. It was a wooden box filled with many small items and they all had a little sticky note on them with a message. Inside was a white cozy blanket 'for the times I can't cuddle on the couch', a bubble bomb from lush 'bubble bath time!', the video game he suggested when we first met 'now you can practice kicking my ass' (were very competitive against each other), the rolling stones hoodie that I always steal from him 'now we both have one', and two spa day certificates 'have fun!'. A tear went down my face. How I loved my boy with the dyed hair.

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