Chapter 4 - apologies

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Katie's P.O.V

Myself and Marcus walked hesitantly down the stairs where Zoe, Niomi and Alfie sat on the breakfast bar. Alfie dabbed his cut cheek and Zoe flicked through he phone gazing up to look at her boyfriend every couple of seconds whilst Niomi looked awkwardly at her nails. After a while Zoe looked towards the stairs and spotted me looking upset and worried.

"Katie! Are you okay?" She said worriedly walking briskly towards me engulfing me in a warm, cosy hug.
"Yeah, I'm really sorry Alfie I think I just had one of my anxiety attacks and took it out on you," "that's okay" he said comforting me but I couldn't help notice him nervously looking at Marcus. I decided to help Marcus forgive Alfie as he was still a bit embarrassed and sore from what I just told him. "oh and Marcus you wanted to say something..." I hinted staring at him flicking my eyes towards Alfie. "Yeah... I'm so sorry Alfie I overreacted and you know how sensitive and protective I can be, I don't want this to ruin our friendship and I hope we can move on from this..." Marcus nervously said. " Of coarse I mean we can't let Malfie get ruined!" Alfie gasped sarcastically breaking the tension. everyone laughed and I went to stand next to Niomi "Niomi I also want to apologise for your mug," I said guiltily reaching over to her favourite mug and showing her the chip. "OH MY GOD, that's it, I can't be friends with you." she gasped sarcastically making us all laugh, but we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Joe's P.O.V

"How further have we got now," Caspar moaned to the taxi driver who sighed in irritation. "Haha Caspar shut up you'll get us kicked out." I laughed, although we had been travelling from our flat in London for what seems like days to move down to Brighton with our 'Bæs' or that is what Katie likes to call us. I love that girl she's like me but a girl version, we've been friends for a couple of years now but some small part of me feels disappointed. No, I can't think of her on any other way Marcus would kill me!

No more than a minute later we arrived at a three story house covered in ivy and roses. it looked like something from a fairytale, I turned my head to see the gorgeous Brighton beach, I can't wait to get moved in. the taxi driver got out of the car and myself and Caspar followed as he opened the boot of the taxi. we both groaned as we pulled all of our belongings out of the car. "Enjoy your new home," the driver chirped being to side tracked I quickly replied "you too." suddenly I realised how stupid I sounded, of coarse he wasn't moving into a new house. I could feel my cheeks heat up and Caspar grinned holding in a laugh at my embarrassment. "don't worry about it, I get all sorts of strange replies from tired customers!" The driver said finally I felt more at ease, "oh thanks for relieving me." I laughed lifting up my bags handle. "Well good evening Mr Sugg and Mr Lee." the driver smiled and got back into his cab starting the engine and driving off. I opened the gate and walked towards the door Caspar following me, as I was about to knock I heard the sound of laughing and it just reminded me how exited I was to see my friends again!

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter its a bit longer but next episode will be even longer since it will be when they all meet. 💕

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