Chapter 15 ~ The Fight!

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Katie's P.O.V.

I was running as fast as I could back to the house, my eyes filling with tears. For once in my life I thought I might have found someone who actually cared about me and didn't go out with me just because he felt sorry for me! But no. Even the person who I thought was my friend succeeded in breaking my heart, the worst thing is... I'm slightly relieved. I didn't love Caspar, I thought I did but I didn't. I was upset after the Joe and Marcus incident that I tried to find a distraction to help me clear my mind. Now, once again... I had no one. The person in my nightmares wants me again and Victoria is blackmailing my family. Why do I even bother existing anymore, no one needs me... No one would even miss me.

Finally I reached my house, I didn't care if people saw I was crying or even acknowledged the fact I just got dumped by someone who I didn't even love, all I wanted was to go up to my room and just lay in darkness. (I know deep right?) As I swung the front door open I saw everyones eyes dart to my face, they looked at me like I was an animal who had ran in front of their car destined to be hit. "Katie! what's wrong!" shouted Zoe running towards me. Without any hesitation I slammed the door and ran upstairs despite numerous people following me and calling my name. As I reached my room I just locked it behind me and collapsed on my bed. I didn't even have the strength to cry anymore, I was just paralyzed on my bed as everyone banged on my door shouting "What's wrong?" or "Katie please open the door." But I didn't answer, there was no point, they don't need to be
dragged down with all this shit.

Caspar's P.O.V.

As soon as she'd left I knew not to chase after her. She was obviously upset and I needed to let her calm down. Wait, what if Marcus finds out why she's upset. He's going to be really mad at her for dating me, I need to stop her! Without thinking about anything else I just ran to the house, how could I do this to her? After I got to the house I ran in and didn't even bother shutting the door. Everything else didn't matter, only Katie. I really regretted having our bedrooms on the top floor because by the time I got there I was really out of breath but I didn't let that stop me. Suddenly I stopped running. Everyone was outside Katie's door except Katie and Zoe. A couple of seconds later Zoe came out, "She doesn't want anyone to go in ... she's really upset about someone, but I can't tell you who it is." Zoe explained, "Tell me now! who upset her?!" Marcus shouted, "Hey don't take this out on Zoe, she didn't ask for this!" Alfie said before standing next to Zoe. "Look can we please just stop arguing, Katie's in there, crying. Zoe please what's wrong with her?" Joe pleaded running his fingers through his hair.

Please Zoe, just don't tell them, I thought. "Okay... well she said someone broke up with her, and she thought they actually loved her. But now she's just upset about it and something else but she won't tell me that." Zoe said looking at Marcus and Joe. "Who was it!" Marcus yelled, oh no what if he finds out it was me?! Suddenly Zoe realised I was in the corridor and just stared at me. Eventually everyone else followed her eyes to me, I could see Marcus' face going red with anger. His knuckles were white from clenching his fists, "Marcus don't do anything stupid!" Niomi pleaded but it was too late Marcus ran towards me and punched me straight on my nose, It through me off balance forcing me into the wall. "Please, I can explain!" I tried to persuade him, but it was no use before I knew it his hands were on my shoulders and banging me harder into the wall. "Marcus stop it!" Yelled a muffled voice, it was Katie!

Suddenly Marcus let me go and turned to face his sister. "It's not Caspar who made me cry... I... I heard you talking about Michael. That he was going to come and get me again." She stuttered, everyone went silent. Who was michael, why did he want to get her... again? "What..? Wait who's Michael?" Alfie said. "Michael was..." Katie started but she was cut off by Niomi, "Katie you don't have to tell them." Niomi said, what? "No I'm sick of being scared of him, they deserve to know... Michael was my step-dad and... he raped me for years when I was 15 after my dad died and my mum was taking therapy. He threatened me to not tell anyone. Then one night he tried to kidnap me. Luckily Marcus found out and stopped him, he... He was no is a monster. But I don't want to live in fear anymore!" Katie cried, Oh my god! I can't believe it! Everyone just looked shocked staring at Katie.

Katie's P.O.V.

I can't believe I just told everyone that! They just stared at me, frozen in shock. Suddenly I heard a clapping sound coming from the stairs. "About time... What a brave girl!" said the person before making themselves visible to everyone... MICHAEL!

DUN DUN DUN! I thought I'd leave it on a bit of a cliffhanger... Sorry not sorry hahaha <3 Will be uploading a Q and A /about me on Sunday but will continue tomorrow if not... you'll have to wait for Monday's chapter! x Jk I wouldn't do that to you loll! Thank you as always xo - Sophabellee

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