chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Kristen Clark

This is my first piece that I have shown someone .... I hope you enjoy and please leave comments :) I will also put down songs that fit the chapter at the end


"Horrifically delicious, I become addicted, kiss me one more time, just like you want it." BANG BANG BANG! My singing was interrupted by loud pounds on my bedroom door. Without leaving the comfort of my bed I reached over and locked the door. Then, after turning up the volume to my stereo, I continued to sing. "I can be sweet, just like Reeses, I can be cruel, shred you to pieces." Once again my favorite band was interrupted by the pounding and my mothers bitter voice.

"Open the door Mary, now. And turn that music off!" Even though my mom was on the other side of my door and my music was turned up really loud, I could still hear her angry voice as if it were right next to my ear. Now annoyed I turned my stereo volume down and got off my bed, walking towards the door.

I pounded my fist as hard as I could to the door before shouting, "You're ruining a perfectly good song now go away!" I put my ear to the door and could make out the sounds of foot steps leading to the kitchen. "Ugh...mother," I said under my breath as I headed toward my full view mirror.

I was pretty, but average with my light blonde hair. I was skinny enough but I really didn't care that much about how skinny I was. Right now I was mainly concerned with my hair. I glanced at the clock and read the neon green numbers that stated 6:15, that was definitely enough time. I walked to my dresser and opened but the top drawer grabbing my under-clothes and setting them in a small laundry basket. Then, I started towards my closet to grab my tight black tank top and green plaid over shirt. With all the appropriate items of clothing in the basket, I made my way to my bathroom.

 Once in the bathroom I closed and locked the door and then started to undress. With a towel now around me I walked to the bathtub and turned on the water, checking every few minutes to see if it were hot enough. After it had been filled I poured in a cup of bubble solution and stepped in, sending shivers up my back from the heat. I laid down and closed my eyes to think.

My mother just left so something is obviously going on. She always yells back. I guess I will just have to talk to her and apologize for once. I continued to think to myself every once in a while checking the clock. I had until seven o'clock to start getting ready for the mall and it was only six, eighteen. But back to thinking. I am definitely going to the mall today weather I apologize to her or not. I am really looking forward to seeing Garrett again after so long. Garrett was my best friend since we were born. We would always hang out together and bug my mom -because he hated her as well- to the point of pure hatred. But since my dad died he moved away and we haven't talked since.

I glanced at the clock once again to notice it was now six, fifty-four. Time to get out. Gr, the water was so warm I really didn't want to get out but I was going to be late if I didn't. So, putting my laziness aside for now I got up, pulled the drain blocker out of the tub, and then stepped out putting my towel around me. I then put on my slippers and looked under my sink for my hair-dryer. Making sure the air wasn't too hot before putting it to my hair, I dried it within a matter of minutes. I was completely dry now so I used the toilet and then put on my clothes. Then I opened my drawer and grabbed every single Tigi hair product I had and dropped them on my bathroom counter, leaving the scattered and maneuvering through them.

By the time I was done with my hair it was eight o'clock and in half an hour I would be off to see Garrett for the first time in years. I checked my self in the mirror and then headed back to my room and then out into my hallway leading to the kitchen. I entered the kitchen and saw my mom sitting down at our table, her face buried in her hands. She looked up at me with sad eyes. Now I felt bad. "I'm sorry mom" I said, keeping my eyes on my feet.

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