chapter 4

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I ran and ran, hearing the panting as the dark figure ran towards me faster, and faster. There is no excape, just a long tunnel never ending. The figure gets closer, and closer, until finally I can feel its breath on the back of my neck.

"No!" I shouted, flinging my fist upward. I hit something hard that was followed by a yelp of pain. I opened my eyes to see Jayy above me, holding his nose and looking at me with a angry expression.

"That freakin' hurt Mary!" He said touching his finger to his nose and pulling it back, checking for blood.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry Jayy!" I leaned up and brought his head closer to mine, checking it out myself intentively. He smiled and then pushed me back down to the bed, laying on top of me and resting his head on my shoulder.

He looked up at me and grinned, "Ya know what we should do right now?"

I glared at him, it had only been a day since I moved in and he just wouldn't let up. He inched up to my lips and just before ours met he moved his face to my cheek, giving me a sloppy kiss. I groaned in disgust, and then wiped of his spit. Just then the door flew open and Kyle came in, he looked at us and he made an annoyed face.

"Jayy could you get off of her for at least five damn minutes." He walked up and pulled Jayy off of the bed, then he ripped the covers off of me and pulled me out as well. "Hey princess get up we're going shopping."

I looked up at him from the floor and tilted my head, "Shopping? What for?"

He guestured to my body, I looked and noticed I was wearing his clothes. "Can't have people thinking you're a cross dresser, can we?" He walked to the other side of the bedroom, up to his dresser. It had never occurred to me that I had been sleeping in Kyle's bedroom, in his bed. Guilt now ran over me, where had he been sleeping? And why had he allowed me to sleep here, even if only for a day? I pushed the thought away when -from the dresser- he pulled out a black box.

Both Jayy and myself inched closer to Kyle -who was now on the floor- to take a peek at what he had in the box. The box was filled with crinkled bills and old change, he pulled out a wallet from his back pocket and then started to fill it with the money from the box. After he was done he got up and then motioned for us to follow him out of the room.

We walked through the kitchen into a small hallway that ended with a door that led outside. Kyle and Jayy stopped at the door and put on their shoes. Jayy looked at me and then down to my feet, "You dont have shoes, so..." He scooped me up and carried me princess style before I could say anything, Kyle rolled his eyes and then opened the door, allowing Jayy to exit towards the car.

Their car wasnt really anything that special, it was just a black truck without any scratches. Jayy walked up to the door of the truck and opened it with his foot, Kyle walked over to the drivers side and sat down. I would have preffered the window seat, but knowing Jayy -wich, really I didnt- he would have no argueing, so I said nothing when he slid me into the middle. With everyone in, we started on the road, the radio blasting.

By my guess we were headed to the mall, but I didnt know for sure and I didnt really care enough to ask. With every car we passed, was a comment on the driver by Jayy, mostly consisting of: why are you aloud to drive? Do you really need to be eating right now? And so on.

When we arrived, I noticed my assumtion was correct and that we were at the Mall. Kyle and Jayy both stepped out of the truck, and before closing the door, Jayy picked me up again, although this time piggie-back style. I had a slight head ache from the ride over so I rested my head on Jayy's shoulder, as we walked through the doors into the mall there was a great amount of stares and whispers around us, though the boys didnt pay attention to it. Kyle looked at me and frowned slightly, "Jayy could you put her down? If you like her so much you can take her out sometime, but now is for shopping."

Jayy looked caught off guard, he set me down before replying with mocking the sound of an angry cat. Now with me walking between the two, Kyle pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and unfolded it revealing a list of objects under my name. He looked it over and then handed it to me, I took it and looked it over as well.

"Where to first?"

I glanced back down to the list and ran down the objects, from the list I read back the one that said clothes.

Kyle tapped his chin with his pointer finger before shooting out his hand in a point that led to the other side of the mall, indicating where the clothes were. We started walking to the clothes area of the mall, stopping every once in a while to look at the windows in front of the stores.

We walked into a store that had loud rock music playing from inside of it, Kyle and Jayy had obviously been there lots of times because the girl working the cash registor knew them and said she would give us discounts on every thing we got. We started at the back of the store, picking out dozens of outfits for me to try on. Jayy made me try on the most ridiculous outfits that I didn't even approve of in the first place, but other than that, I got a hefty amount of clothes that all three of us approved of exactly.

The rest of the shopping went on quite quickly, we stayed together almost the whole time -only to separate when it came to underwear- and afterwards, went to the food court where all three of us shared a Chinese meal. It was strange because the whole time people around us whispered, pointed, and stared, a lot on the guys but I got angry stares from about sixty percent of girls we passed. Were they really that good looking?

The car ride home was extatic, Jayy and Kyle wouldn't stop going on about a certain pair of pajamas that I refused to have, they expected me to get pink, furry, bunny, foot pajamas that was cut in a "sexy" way. But by the time we had gotten home, it was only about two o'clock.

Before I entered our house -it was really weired calling it that- I looked at it, I had never seen the house from the back before. It was actually quite nice, there was a new paint job, and everything looked as it should, just as I was starring, Kyle came up from behind me and gave me a hug.

"Home, sweet, home." He whispered into my ear, and after, he pressed his lips to the back of my head. He let go and then walked in front of me, turning around before entering the house. He extended his hand, "Come on inside."


I know this one was short. But i reallly liked it ... did you??? please comment, vote, and like..

today's fscene8 by the medic droid

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