chapter 19

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I started to slide on my turn as I didn't even bother to ease on the gas. She couldn't leave me! Suddenly, everything started to slow down, and lights shown brightly in my eyes. I brought my hands up to shield my eyes from the blinding light but as I did so, the truck started to slide. I quickly returned my hands to the steering wheel but it seemed too late. I felt a huge impact on the car and then a sharp pain on my stomach. I screamed. And that's when everything went black.

Mary's POV 


"I haven't come here just to tell you the truth, but I came to take you back home." Garrett said with a smile.

I looked up at him and wiped the tears from my eyes. "Garrett. Thank you so much. For coming here and telling me this."

He smiled wide and leaned in to hug me, but I stopped him before he could. "But Garrett. I'm in love with Kyle, and I have to stay with him."

Garret pulled back, hurt shining brightly in his eyes. He looked down and scooted farther away from me on the couch. "I'm really sorry Ga-"

"Don't. It's fine." He said, focusing on his lap. "I'm in love with someone too."

I perked up slightly. "Really?" I asked. "Who? Is it someone I know?"

Garrett looked up at me slowly and shook his head before standing up and walking over to the door. He opened it and stepped halfway out before stopping and, without turning around, he said, "It's no one you know anymore. Don't worry about it."

He was almost down the hallway when I ran after him. "Stop Garrett!" I called. 

Garrett turned around. I looked at him, smiled, and then fished a note card and pen from my pocket. I began to scribble down on it. Once done, I handed the card to Garrett.

"What's this?" He asked, his voice uninterested.

I frowned and looked down. "Well it's my number. I'm going to stay here but that doesn't mean that I won't be visiting all the time."

I felt Garrett's hands on the sides of my face. He lifted my head to meet eye contact before leaning in  and giving me a kiss on my forehead. "I have to go. I'll call you later." 

"Well actually...I only have an Ipod so you can just text me" I said.

He nodded before turning back around and walking out the door. After waiting a few minutes I too walked to the door and left the building. The second I stepped outside I could tell that no one waited for me. "Damn!" I shouted.

"Mary?" Garrett asked. I jumped and turned around to see him. 

"Oh hey! I didn't know you were still here...." I said, rocking on the balls of my feet.

"Do you want a ride?"

"Yes thank you" I said.

After getting in the car I felt weird. Like I was meant to be here with Garrett. Not wanting the car ride to be an awkward one, I kept silent and didn't ask any questions about how close we were.

We turned the corner and what I saw I couldn't believe. 

"Garrett stop the car!" I yelled. Garrett, startled, stopped immediately. I jumped out and ran to our truck. Tears forming. 

"Kyle?!" I yelled. Straining my ears, I could hear a faint moan. Instantly I ran to it. "Kyle?!" I sobbed as I saw his body stretched over the front seat. 

"Mary?" He asked, voice raspy.

"Kyle! It's me!" I sobbed. I looked out around the truck and screamed at Garrett. "Garrett! Call an ambulance!" 

"Mary please don't leave me." Kyle silently pleaded.

"Kyle don't die please don't die!"  I lifted him to me slightly, placing his back on my lap and holding his head. 

"Mary please don't leave me." He repeated.

I shook my head, tears streaming down. "I would never leave you Kyle. Never." I started to feel something wet on my legs. I gently lifted Kyle up only to see a small pool of blood forming. I swallowed, almost choking on my sobs. "K-Kyle. How bad are you hurt?!" 

He shrugged his shoulders weekly, wincing at the movement. "Not much. Just...back."

I cried and looked out the window, "Garrett!" I screamed. This couldn't be happening. No. No. No. "Don't take him away from me." I mumbled. "Don't take him away!"

In the background I could hear the sounds of sirens. The ambulance was finally here. "Thank god" I breathed. 

"Ma'am?" A man behind me asked. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I jumped out of the car and pushed him toward Kyle.

"No. No I'm fine help him!" I yelled. Why couldn't he understand? I didn't care about myself; just him! My breathing increased as I yelled and yelled. I started to feel dizzy. I stumbled. As I fell to the ground the only thing I saw was Kyle's body, and all I could think about was 'is he OK or not'.


So im back obviously. Im going to try to finish this tonight or maybe tomorrow. And if people want, I will be making a sequal.

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