chapter 17

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"You ready?" Jayy asked me as I worked on my make up.

"Yea, one second. Just let me put on more mascara." Through the mirror I saw him roll his eyes. "What?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"You don't need anymore makeup Mary."

"Whatever" I said as I reached for an eyebrow pencil. Before I could make contact with it my hand was stopped. I looked up to see Jayy looking into my eyes. "What?" I asked, confused by his actions.

He didn't say anything. Instead, he leaned closer, bringing his face just inches from mine. My eyes widened and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I kept my eyes focused on his, trying to find what he was doing. "What are you doing?" I asked, still fishing to find an answer in his gaze.

Jayy's POV

"What are you doing?" Mary asked as she stared into my eyes. I didn't reply, that was a good question. What was I doing? It was like my body had a mind of it's own. Sure, I wanted to kiss her. Hell, I would love to kiss her. But if I do I would not only hurt my best friend, I might ruin the girl I love's relationship.

But something in the back of my mind told me that I should kiss her. That, in a way, I needed to kiss her. I took my hand from her wrist and brought it to her cheek, never taking my gaze  away from her to make sure that what I was doing was okay with her. I then brought my other hand to the opposite cheek and slowly brought my lips to her's.

As  we held contact, she didn't exactly respond. Damn, I thought that maybe this would be like in the movies where she responds and deepons the damn kiss. Finally, it clicked in my head that i seriously shouldn't be doing this.

My feelings slightly hurt, I dropped my hands from the side of her face and pulled away from her.

"What was that?!" She asked, obvious shock in her voice. I gave her eye contact but made sure not to really look into her eyes. I don't think I could handle what I saw.

Not wanting to explain my love for her, I pushed a smirk onto my face before answering, "I told you, you have too much make up on. I was getting off the extra lipstick." Total lie, I thought to myself. She looked fine, but she would look so much better without the make up. She was perfect without it.

She narrowed her eyes, "Well obviously if you would've just pointed it out I could 'ave wiped some off with a napkin or something."

I shrugged, "That was more fun." Oh I was such a stupid ass!

Mary's POV

I rolled my eyes and punched Jayy in the arm. What an ass. After pushing him away I turned and looked into the mirror. "Well that's just perfect" I muttered sarcastically as I mentally noted the blush on my face.

"What's that?" Jayy asked.

I looked at him and narrowed my eyes, "Nothing" I said. "Go away, I'll be out in a bit."

Looking at Jayy, I saw hurt flash in his eyes. But just as quickly as it came it left and another famous cocky grin appeared. "Aw I'm crushed" He said sarcastically before turning and walking away. Through the mirror I saw him stop at the doorway. Looking over his shoulder at me he said, "Hurry up love."

I shuttered. There was something in the way that he said that, it was just...I don't know. It reminded me of when Kyle called me love. Stupid jerk, playing with my head like that.

With a sigh I got up from my chair and walked out of the room.

Once downstairs and in the kitchen I saw that everyone was definitely ready to go. I blushed, "Sorry had I kept you waiting?"

"Not at all" Kyle said as he walked behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. I felt a huge pang of guilt flash through me. I would have to tell Kyle later what had happened, after the concert of course. I didn't want to cause a huge scene in front of everyone.

"So shall we go?" Jayy announced, motioning to the door down the hall.

After receiving spontanious nods from everyone we walked out to the car, Kyle, Jayy, and myself going in the truck while the others took their own transportation.

The car ride could not have been any more awkward for me. I know that kiss didn't mean anything, it was just Jayy trying to get a reaction, but I still feel really weird about it. I narrowed my eyes and glared at Jayy evilly. Damn him! I yelled at him through my mind.

After receiving many confused glances from both boys I decided to give myself a break and take my mind off of Jayy and the whole "Kiss" incident. I sighed, today was going to be interesting.



Okay, so first i would like to apologize for taking fawking forever to update....I'm sorry. Please forgive me? I have recently had really bad writers block and didn't know where to go with this story. Also, I'm sorry that this is a short chapter. I just thought that this should be in its own chapter so that way the next doesn't take away from the events in this one. Okay. So....

IF anyone does read and like this story then I shall tell you what. IF you can leave me a vote and/or a comment then I shall continue. I shall ONLY continue when I have at least FIVE votes. SOOOO, look forward to the next chapter and have a nice day.

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