chapter 13

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Kyle and I stayed on the couch watching a movie, myself on top of him resting my head on his chest. The movie was called 'Wrong Turn' and was supposedly a horror, although I had yet to be frightened at all.

We had been home for about an hour now after leaving Burger King and ending our date. Jayy was home to and was in his room playing his Play Station 2. He hadn't come out at all since we got home, and I started to wonder if something had upset him.

                                                                     (Jayy's POV)

I sat on the floor of my room with the game controller in my hands, trying to concentrate on my game. Mary and Kyle had gotten home about an hour ago but I decided upon staying up here. I really didn't want them to know I had been drinking.

This morning I took Lucy to her Uncle's house which was located somewhere in South Florida. She seemed happy to go but I actually kind of wanted her here. I didn't like her like that I just wanted someone who wasn't kissing my best friend. Which brings me to the drinking part.

After dropping Lucy off I drove home like I normally would. But just as I got into town, I received a text message from Kyle saying that he was on a date with Mary, swimming at his old house. I was obviously not happy at all because this meant that he was actually serious about her. And I couldn't take her away from him if he truly cared about her. He would hate me forever.

So I drove to the nearest bar to our house and tried to get as many drinks as possible in before being drunk off my ass. It was easier than I thought, but at times I wanted so badly to be drunk because it just so happened that almost everyone in that bar was a fan of A Lost Cause.

When I was finally finished with my drinking I paid my tab and left. It was a little darker now and soon it would be night time. I wondered if Kyle and Mary were home yet, making me anxious to get home and, in effect, I ended up driving a little faster than the speed limit allowed. I didn't get pulled over, but when I got home I felt like I had done so many things wrong. Drink and then drive, go over the speed limit, and let the girl of my dreams go out with my best friend.

                                                              (Mary's POV)

After the movie had finally ended and the credits had finished rolling down the screen I turned off the t.v and turned around to face Kyle. Asleep. I rolled my eyes and got off of him, heading toward the stairs.

I was heading toward my room when a flash of curiosity made me stop dead in my tracks. My head swerved in the direction of Jayy's room and I debated on whether or not to pay him a little visit. After all, I hadn't seen him all day.

When I decided upon doing so I spun around and walked up to his door. I flung my wrist up and knocked lightly on the door. While waiting for a response I played with my hair, twirling it around in my fingers.

About a minute passed when I heard a grunt, loud bang, and then the sound of Jayy saying, "Nooooo!" What was he doing?

I raised my hand to knock again, but before I got the chance to the door swung open, revealing a disappointed Jayy in the doorway. I tilted my head to the side, "What's wrong?" I asked.

He made a fake sniffle, "Frogger got ran over by the car."

I feigned horrified, "Oh no! We have to help him!" I ran into his room and sat on the floor, fixing my self pretzel style before patting the open floor next to me for him to sit down. He got the hint and walked over after closing the door. Once seated, he rested his head on my shoulder and pointed at the screen where, on it, a little green frog laid bloody on the road as cars and trucks passed over it.

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