Is That Even Possible?

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You had to get away. What better place to escape everything than to move to your favorite big city halfway across the world? The second you graduated from college you packed what little you had and moved to London. Did you have a job yet? No. Did you have an apartment ready for you? Not really. Did that matter at the time? Well, maybe a little, but hey it all worked out.

You come from a small town in middle America, cows and corn is all you know. You did not blend in or belong there, and everyone made it their mission to let you know that. Every interest and love you had was mocked and degraded. Well, almost. You joined an after school writing club in high school after being repeatedly persuaded by your English teacher. You were the only consistent member of the club, but that didn't stop your teacher from continuing the club until you graduated. He helped you learn new techniques and styles to explore with, edited your work in his free time, and encouraged you to keep writing. And so, when you were not engrossed in studying to earn out of state scholarships, you were writing. Short stories, screen plays, poetry, even journaling about your life.

When you finally graduated, you ended up at a college a couple states away. It wasn't New York, but it was away and that was good enough. At least that's what you thought when you first arrived there, but your opinion quickly changed after the first week alone. Who would have thought that years of not opening up to your peers would make socializing challenging? Fortunately, you were able to muster up the courage to talk to your roommate, who fortunately had many kind friends who were eager to let you join their group.

It took some time, but after a year you were able to attend their social gatherings and participate in conversation. You joined social media for the first time and even made some online friends! For the first time in your life you were happy. It was great!

That was until your senior year when your roommate's boyfriend got handsy with you at a party. You splashed your drink in his face and went to find your roommate. You thought she would go and find him to punch him in the face after hearing this news. That is not what happened. She pushed you to the wall and drunkenly yelled that you were trying to snatch her man. You two hadn't been the same since, and apparently she told everyone a false story that made you the slut of campus. Back to square one of not being liked by anyone.

You tried to keep in touch with your online friends, but were only able to keep one connection alive, your friend,Jack, from the UK. You two talked every day and formed a real connection. He always had some new boy toy to complain about, and you loved listening to all his drama. It was Jack that suggested you move to London.

"Is that even possible?"

"I don't see a downside y/n! You can stay with me until you get your own place, it'll be great!"

Jack was right, why shouldn't you take the leap? With nothing to lose you flipped off America and moved to London with a degree in English. Yes, a degree in English. You can literally do whatever with it okay; write a book, write plays or movies or shows, teach, the list can continue but that's all you can think of. You were nervous that it would be awkward meeting Jack for the first time in person (or that he would end up being a murderer) but it was none of those things. It was a blast hanging out with him and you were able to learn and adapt to the culture quite quickly. Of course, the days of research of English culture before you moved helped as well.

The dream is to write the next biggest TV drama series. But with that being unrealistic (and you not wanting to be a burden on Jack for too long), you took a part time job at a bar and worked while studying for your teaching license. Working at the bar was so much fun, your boss was a fun-loving man with a kind wife who came in often and tipped generously. You were about to move into an apartment of your own when you and Jack decided that you loved being flat mates, and moved into a bigger apartment together. There's never a dull moment with Jack; exciting outings in town, boy drama, and keeping up with the latest media trends.

After some time you were able to get your teaching license and land a job teaching secondary school English. You did not expect to like being a teacher that much, but after a first, semi-rough, year you really enjoyed it. Your second year teaching English was off to a good start, learning from your first.

Finally, a happy streak! So, why aren't you happy? Why are you afraid? Why do you think the world is going to crumble around you? Why can't you just relax? You're living a comfortable life there's nothing to be afraid of. Nothing huge and crazy is going to happen... right?

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