You what?

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"Relax, I'm sure it's somewhere," Jack's voice blares through your phone that's on speaker on the kitchen table.

You're pacing around the now destroyed apartment after trying to search for your journal for over 2 hours. "Well of course the atoms didn't just disappear, but it's not here! And don't tell me to relax," you bark before making your way to look under the couch for the fifteenth time.

"Hey I'm just an innocent bystander!"

"You're right, I'm sorry." You shout so Jack can hear you from where you are.

"It's okay, this is clearly important but I don't know how much I can help you from 3 hours away. I can help you look when I get back tonight."

You make your way back to your phone and pick it up. "And you're one thousand percent positive you didn't accidentally pack it?" You're basically pleading with him even though you know he's telling the truth.

"I checked in my bags and around my sister's place. Even in my nephew's bookshelf. I promise you it's not here if that makes you feel any better," Jack responds.

"I looked too, it's not here!" You hear Jack's sister shout from in the same room.

"Thanks Ava," you sigh defeatedly. "Well, I appreciate you guys looking. Text me when you're on your way back."

"See ya soon love."

"Come with Jack next time!" Ava shouts.

You chuckle and give your goodbyes. You drop your hand to your side with a huff. You might as well continue your grading since there is no journal to be found. The pit in your stomach since the beginning of this whole thing deepens as you sink into the sofa with your exit tickets in a pile. You ignore the disaster you've created while trying to search for your journal and just finish grading your students' assignments.

* * *

The next Sunday morning you're slumped on the couch, still sulking in the middle of the mess you've made. You could get a new journal, but there are so many amazing ideas and stories in your journal that now you'll never see again. You were hoping to use some of the pages for a resume in the future for a writing job. When that will happen is still up in the air, your fear of rejection and failure have really prevented you from taking the steps towards your writing career.

You spend the day cleaning up the apartment, you don't want Jack to come home to a disaster. After some time you notice two missed calls from Taron. Your stomach flips at the notifications and you immediately call him back, he picks up after three rings.

"Hey sorry I missed your calls, what's up?"

"What are you doing Wednesday morning?" Taron sounds frantic which makes you nervous, causing your stomach to flip even more.

"Um, teaching?" It sounds like a question only because of how confused you are, you both know for a fact that's what you'll be doing. Unless something pulls you away.

"Ah shit that's right. Could you get a substitute?"

"I'm sure I could, but this is kind of last minute. Why?"

"Okay so I found your writings in this one notebook and I handed them to the director of my show and-"

Taron continues to speak but you can no longer hear him due to the ringing in your ears. You destroyed your apartment looking for the one thing you hold closest to your chest, and Taron has had it and read it without your permission.

"You what?" you finally muster up to say, interrupting his enthusiastic rambling. "You took my journal?"

"Not on purpose. It must have been lumped in with my clothes on the table. It fell on my floor when I was putting my clothes away and I couldn't help myself. You have such a talent and we need a new writer so I thought I'd give you a shot. The main writers and directors like your style and want to see you for an interview so we can start production as soon as possible."

Your ears are ringing and your face turns hot with anger. You couldn't believe Taron would go behind your back like this. You couldn't even form words wanting to cut him off again until they finally hissed out. "I can't believe you," the words sounding as angry as you feel. "That was private Taron and you had no write to read it or even give it to someone else. Are you kidding me?"

The other line goes quiet for a beat. "I guess I never thought of that. Excitement took over I thought I was doing you a favor by giving you a chance at something huge," Taron sounds defeated. "I thought you'd be happy."

"Why would someone I used to trust going behind my back and showing the world something personal make me happy?" You bite back.

"Y/n you're so talented why haven't you tried writing jobs before? I don't understand how you could keep this to yourself?" Taron tries to make the situation lighter.

"Because not everything falls into your lap in life, Taron. Some of us are normal people who have real jobs and can't afford to try to "make it" in the industry. If they fail they go home, and they can't go home because home is filled with darkness and hatred where nobody appreciates you. I can't afford to rush everything in life when I've come so far to finally find happiness!" You surprise yourself with how much you shared with Taron, even surprised to say for the first time how you feel about your home life.

You both are silent for a while, you both simply listen to the silence static on the phone processing everything that was just said. Your nose starts to sting as you feel a lump in your throat. You accidentally let out a sob you were trying to keep in.

"Are you alone right now?" Taron finally says when he hears that you're crying.

"Yeah," you whisper into the phone with the only voice you have from being choked up.

"You shouldn't be and I owe you an apology. I'm coming over, okay?" He asks waiting for permission from you.

"Okay," you manage to eventually get out.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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