You're never a burden, Taron

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It's Friday night, you're at home grading your weekend exit tickets on the kitchen table. Every once in a while you remember that you have a bowl of ramen- that's now room temperature- next to you and take a couple bites while grading. You hated homework on the weekends growing up, so you make sure to limit weekend assignments to the best of your abilities. So you give the students exit tickets before the weekend so that they can enjoy their free time. You thought this was the perfect idea until you realized you gave yourself weekend homework.

You take another bite of your cold ramen when you get a call. You hook your finger in front of your mouth as you check to see who it is. You see Taron's name on your screen, his picture set to a handsome photo you found of him online. Your heart skips a beat and you almost choke on your ramen as you quickly swallow. "Hello?"

You hear loud music and laughter in the background, but nothing from Taron. You wonder if he  didn't hear you, or just butt dialed you. "Hello?" you say louder this time.

"Ah, yes, darling. How are youuu?" He slurs as he speaks too closely into the phone. Then you can hear him talk to someone else "No, trust me I'm fi- I'm fine".

"Taron? What's going on?"

"Well, I just thought since I'm most likely out of the job that I have more free time to hang out with you," You hear a glass shatter, "Aw ssshit, I'm sorry man I'll pay for that."

"Taron. Where are you?" Your heart rate quickens, worried about Taron and his situation.

"I'm at our pub lovvve, I wasffss wondering ifff you wanted to join me. I'm just getting started here!"

Your instincts to save him kick in before you can process that you're already out the door. "Taron, don't move and don't drink anything else. I'm on my way, just stay on the phone with me until I get there so that I know where you are."

"Aah, you want me to wait for youu t-to catch up. I get it, yeah I won't dr- oh hey can I get 2 gin and tonics please and thanks!"

"Taron!" You're already annoyed.

"Relax darling, I'll have them waiting for you when you arrive. Where are you, how much longer will you beee?" Taron continues to slur as he whines to you.

"Give me 5 minutes, I'm walking now." You have your pepper spray in your other hand as you continue to stay on the phone with Taron. You've never walked alone at night before and it makes you more than slightly nervous. You're getting out of breath as you're almost jogging to the pub.

"Are you exercising right now? It's a little late for that, don't you think?"

"Well no, not exactly. I'm hurrying to you to bring you home." You say sternly.

"Home? Who'ss home? Why homme?"

"I'm almost there Taron, just sit tight a little longer." You turn the corner and make your way into the pub. You get some strange looks for wearing an oversized t-shirt and leggings to the pub. There you spot Taron at the counter with two drinks in front of him, he's spinning one of the glasses around. As soon as you spot him you hang up the call and head straight for him.

Taron looks at his phone confused as to why the call ended, then he turns to find you next to him. "Y/n!" Taron's face lights up when he sees you, and even in this circumstance it makes you feel lighter than air. It's hard to stay mad at him, but it's possible.

"What's wrong with you, Taron? What happened?" you ask as you slide the drinks away from him without him seeing.

"One of our writers quit. It's not official but there are rumors we're all out of the job." His face drops as he shares this shocking news. "I was sooo excited for this new show, I wass asked personally to be in the show. Fuck man!" Taron looks back at the counter and pulls his eyebrows together when he doesn't find his drink in front of him anymore.

Blue Jean Baby (Taron Egerton x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now