What are you doing today?

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You wake up the next morning extremely tired, but in the best of moods. You lay in bed and blink the blurry vision away while thinking to yourself, Was it a dream? Did I actually talk to the most magical person you've ever met at the pub? You look at your phone to check the time, it reads 11:03. Later than you normally sleep in, but for how late you were up last night a couple extra hours were much needed. Then you notice you have a text notification from an unknown number. You click on it to see what it says.

Taron: Good morning! This is Taron from the pub last night :)

Your stomach floods with butterflies. So it wasn't a dream! You struggle to think of what to text back, you settle with

You: Heyy! Thanks for the drinks and a fun night ;)

You decide that it's time to start the day and get out of bed. Jack is still in bed so you make some coffee for the both of you, he has a photo shoot at 3 so he'll need to be up soon in order to have time to get ready. Although Jack is more than capable of getting himself to places on a normal day, he tends to take it a bit far at the pubs and will need a little assistance to get going.

You pour a bowl of cereal and turn the TV on to see a rerun of Bodyguard. You sit back and watch while piling the cereal into your mouth. It wasn't until after a pretty spicy scene that you notice 2 new messages.

Taron: Hello y/n!! I had fun too, it was a pleasure ;)

Taron: Id hate to be too forward but id love to see you again soon if thats alright

You stop mid chew. Oh my gosh this is actually happening. Do I respond right away? How long ago did he send that? 2 minutes ago. Okay, maybe if I wait one more minute and then respond, is that a good idea? Ugh why am I even thinking like this? He probably doesn't want to play these games as much as you do. You're deep in thought when Jack comes from behind you.

"Is that the one guy from the pub?!"

"Jesus, Jack you almost made me spill my cereal!"

"Girl, don't play games, text him now!" Jack takes the phone from your hand. You quickly set the bowl down on the table in front you and dive for your phone. Falling off behind the couch as he dodges your attempt to take your phone back. Before you can say or do anything else Jack walks back over to you laying on the ground. "You're welcome."

He walks away before you can respond or argue with him and you quickly open your phone to see the damage. "What are you doing today?" You feel the blood rush from your face. What the fuck that's too forward! Is it too forward? Why is this so hard? Then your text reads "Read" under it, and the dots pop up. Oh god. You quickly turn your phone off, too nervous to see what he'll say. You feel the phone buzz in your hand, you don't want to wait so you open it right away.

Taron: Unfortunately I have plans until a bit late tonight. I'm available at 9, I know that might be late for u tho

You don't hesitate to respond

You: 9 isnt really that late for me. Do you have something in mind or do u want me to plan something?

He immediately reads it, it's nice that he's not playing the waiting game. Taron actually wants to talk to you, he wants to hang out with you, this is a nice feeling. New from your previous talking stages that never end up becoming anything. This seems different, this is different.

Taron: I think I know what we can do ;) meet me at the pub at 9

What did he have planned? Oh my god this is crazy! Should I read into his winky face or is it just simply flirty? Stop overthinking it. You respond,

You: Sounds good to me ;)

reciprocating his flirtatiousness. You stand up, only just now noticing that you were still lying on the floor from where you fell, to find Jack in the kitchen sipping his coffee while rubbing his temples.

"I'd yell at you if you didn't have a hangover."

"No, you'd yell at me if I wasn't an amazing friend who has your best interest when it comes to getting laid," Jack takes a sips, smiling into his mug.

"Oh stop!" you say. "You should get ready for your photoshoot hot stuff."

Jack turns around to look at the time on the microwave. "Ah shit, you're right." He takes another swig from his coffee and goes to take a shower. You smile and pour a cup for yourself so you can concentrate on grading the last of your students' essays. You have to get this done before nine o'clock, the deadline to pass these back is tomorrow and there is no way in hell you are missing your date with the fine man from the pub.

After hours of grading papers, you stretch back in your chair and look at the time in the kitchen. It read 7:47. Shit! You rush out to your room, knocking the chair over and bumping into the wall. Ouch! Why? That better not bruise. You take the fastest shower in your life but take time to shave, you never know. You blowout your hair with a blow dryer and a circle brush, giving you nice volume and loose waves. You actually did a good job, look hot! Now for the outfit, then makeup and then you're done. What time is it 8:20. SHIT!

What do I even wear, more casual or fancy? He never said what we were doing! How am I supposed to live under these conditions? You decide on your outfit and pair it with some lip gloss and mascara and you are out the door. You wanted to leave at a good time so you weren't sweating when you met up with Taron. Just thinking his name gives you butterflies, everywhere.

You walk at a nice pace, still in admiration of the historic city, ignoring all the scaffolding anyway. As you're walking with the biggest smile on your face, you hear a string of honking from the street next to you. You snap your head over to see what's going on, and your stomach drops. A middle aged man staring at you, checking you out, and still honking his horn. You quicken your pace, hoping the traffic will keep him there so he doesn't see where you're going and follow you. It's a good thing the streets were busy tonight, but you still walked quickly. What you've noticed since moving to a big city is that a lot of men are trash and scary. This is why you always like Jack to come with you to places, but that isn't possible all the time. So you brave it up and walk away from whoever that piece of human garbage is.

You turn the corner to the street of the pub and pause for a second to catch your breath. You check the time, 8:58. You look down at the road to see if you can spot him. Sure enough, he's standing by the front doors, stepping to the side to get out of the way of tipsy on comers. He's wearing tight black jeans with a black shirt tucked in, and a flannel. He looks nervous as he checks his watch and looks around. That's when you two make eye contact, and his face lights up.

Blue Jean Baby (Taron Egerton x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now