Does anything look good to you?

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"Miss y/l/n, why are you so happy today?" Your attention is taken away from your lesson as one of your students interrupts your flow.

"Yeah, you're being a little much," another student says.

"What do you mean? I'm always like this," you protest to your class. You smile at the fact, knowing that that is the opposite from true. Most of the time you are happy and excited to be there, but there are often times when you are sarcastic and talk back to the students. Some would think that is bad teaching, but you've found that your students respect you more than the tenured teachers who follow every rule in every rulebook.

"Nah, something has to be up for you to give me that high of a grade on my essay. I didn't even proofread it."

"Well I'm just being a little generous, I know you know which 'there' you need to use," you joke.

"Miss teacher must have a new boyfriend or something," one of your quieter students says, and the whole class erupts with histeria. You were too shocked, and honestly impressed, to reject the notion right away.

"Whaaat? Me? Who?" You couldn't control the smile on your face.

"Oh my god she does!" You were always a terrible liar, well there's no going back now.

"This is not what we're talking about. Now let's move on to our next unit." You have to keep redirecting the class back on track the whole day. Ignoring the varying comments and questions about your new date.

After the school day you hurry to pack up to make it back home with enough time to get ready. "No way, you're seeing him again aren't you?!" One of your students shouts out from their friend group once you're outside. You awkwardly laugh and keep walking, knowing that there's going to be even more questioning tomorrow. But one worry at a time, you have to get ready for Taron!

Jack is at another photoshoot this afternoon, so you can blast Elton John while getting ready. You decided to wear a flattering red dress and a natural face of makeup. Once you are done adding your finishing touches you get a call from Taron. Your stomach does a flip and you answer "Hello?" You don't bother hiding the excitement in your voice.

"Hello darling! I would pick you up at your door, but I don't know your actual address. So I'm outside your building," you hear Taron chuckle as he speaks which makes your knees weak.

"Perfect, I'll be right down!" You grab your purse and rush out the door. Once you make it outside you see the devilishly handsome man wearing a casual suit, fitting in all the right places. He has to take several steps to the side to get out of the way of the entitled apartment renters in your building.

When he sees you his face lights up. "Wow, you look smashing, y/n," he says and gives you a quick kiss on each cheek that means more to you than it does to him.

"Why thank you. But I'm nowhere near as stunning as you," you half jokingly respond.

He grabs your hands and looks into your eyes, "I seriously doubt that." His mouth shows a smile that reaches his eyes. "Are you ready?" His smile turns into a smirk.

"Yes I am." Taron walks you to his car and he opens and closes the door for you, something you could get used to. You watch as Taron gets into the car, and his eyes are glued on you. Something must be wrong "What? Is there something on my dress?" You look down and smooth out the soft material, looking for any imperfections.

"No no no! You just look amazing, that's all," he says, lightly touching your leg in reassurance. His touch feels like a fire that spreads throughout your being. You look up from his hand and find his eyes, so full of life. Taking his hand back from your leg he starts the car, you already long for his warm touch. "I hope you like the restaurant I had picked out for us. It's one of my favorite places."

"Well if you like it it must be great."

You two continue to talk and laugh on the way to the restaurant. When Taron turns the corner you see a long line of people coming from one of the buildings. "Who would wait in a line that long for food?" you ask pointing at your window. "Well, I take it back, I probably would."

"Luckily we won't have to. I called and got us a reservation last night." Taron pulls up to the valet and parks the car in front of the restaurant. Taron looks over at you to see your face, which you can only guess is telling way too much. "Have you ever been here before?"

"No, I have not. This place looks like it would cost half my rent," you cringe at yourself. Can I not act like a normal person? It shouldn't be that difficult y/n.

Taron gets out and opens the door for you. He hands his keys to a woman wearing all black and thanks her with a smile. You two walk in, arm in arm, and the inside is beautiful. The black tables with flowers in the center, and sparkling lights covering the ceiling. "Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes, under Egerton," his voice is low, as if he's sharing a secret. That's a little odd, but you don't linger on the thought.

"Right this way sir, ma'am." You two follow the host to a small round table in the corner, semi excluded from everyone else, which you are grateful for. He orders a bottle of wine for the both of you as the menus are placed down, then you two are alone.

"Wow, this place looks amazing. It's beautiful in here," you say looking around at the gorgeous restaurant.

"That's why I brought you here," Taron smirks while picking up his menu.

You blush and do the same, having a vague idea on what you want. When you open the menu you become bug eyed at the price of this place. A plate of pasta cost over 28 pounds! And a steak is over 50! What the hell do I order?

"Is everything alright?" You look up and see a worried look on Taron's face.

"'s just... this place is expensive and I don't want to order something that costs too much," your face gets slightly hot as you stumble through your words a bit.

"Oh no, please don't worry about it. I'm serious, you don't have to think about that at all. I promise I got it," Taron reassures you not only with his words, but with his voice and eyes. Your shoulders relax a bit, and Taron reaches out his hand. You place yours in his and he strokes the top of your hand with his thumb. "Does anything look good to you?" Taron asks while looking back down at the menu.

"Oh gosh, I don't know. It all sounds so good," you say looking at the pricey options, hand still comforted by his.

A waitress comes to the table with a bottle of red wine and two glasses. "Are we ready to order?" She asks after pouring the wine.

"Um, could we have a little more time please?" Taron asks.

"Of course," she says and goes about her business.

After looking over the menu again you decide on one of the pasta dishes. You take a sip of wine and can tell that it's expensive.

"Taron, what do you do for work?" You ask, maybe too bluntly.

"I guess I should have expected that question sooner rather than later," Taron smiles nervously and takes a sip of wine whispering to himself, "Oh that's good."

"I mean, I'm going to start thinking you're a part of a mob with your expenses and secrets," you joke.

"Oh my god, no!" Taron laughs. "Actually," he pauses to suck in some air, a quirk you noticed from him that you absolutely adore. "I'm an actor."

You try to put your wine glass back down, but his words catch you so off guard you miss the table and wine spills all over you.

a.n. helloooo!! Thanks for reading i hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I love writing so much but school is stressing me out!! Hopefully I can get on top of it soon so I can give you guys some more taron content 🥰 let me know what you think of the chapter, I would love feedback!

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