Consider Me Very Impressed

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"Y/n! It's amazing to see you again, you look beautiful!" Taron says as you two meet from across the street. You hug him with a slight sigh of relief, the small thought of him not showing up in the back of your mind blips out of existence.

"Aw thank you! You look rather dashing yourself." you say and he smiles down at his feet. "So what do we have on the agenda for tonight?" you ask him.

"I have something for us in my car, we can walk there from here." Taron holds his arm out for you to take and you two walk down the sidewalk, or "pavement" as the English would say.

"So how was your day?" he asks as you two continue your stroll.

"Very productive, I graded all my students' essays that I've been putting off until the last minute. So this is the first time I'm using my legs today."

Taron gives you a genuine laugh and it just fills you with butterflies. "Well I'm glad they're working well. Here's my car, let me just get it from the back."

You look up to find that Taron's car was a big black SUV with tinted black windows. Your stomach slightly drops at this sight and you stop walking. He never said what he did for his job and those windows are practically painted over, you just met this man last night. Are you sure you're safe? He could be similar to the creepy man that honked at you not too long ago. Taron looks back at you, wondering why you dropped his arm and stopped walking.

"Oh my god, I'm so unempathetic! How can you trust a man you just met, right?" He smiles reassuringly and continues, "Don't worry, we're not driving anywhere tonight, I'll go get it you wait here." You smile sheepishly and admire him and he does a small jog to his car. Taron opens the back door and takes out an antique picnic basket. You can tell that it's completely full but he lifts it with such ease, seeing his arm muscles ever so slightly stretch the flannel material.

"A picnic? How romantic, Taron!" You say clasping your hands together in front of you.

"I'm so glad you like it. Just another block to the park." You take his arm again that's holding the basket and feel his muscles and oh my are they nice! "You like what you're feeling there?" You didn't realize how obvious you were being. You glance up to see him looking at you from the side of his eyes with a cheeky smirk on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I, uh," you stammer, letting go. Taron laughs again, putting you at ease and with his free hand puts your hand back on his arm. You don't feel judged around him, he doesn't make you feel bad for acting like yourself. You're allowed to feel uneasy about getting up to his car, or admire his muscles without another word. He's so different from the other guys who aren't too quick to make you feel small.

After too short of a walk, you make it to the park. There you see a light blue blanket already placed down in the grass, with rocks on each corner to hold it down that he probably found from around the park. You smile at the idea of him getting here early and looking around for large enough rocks for the blanket. "Wow, you're really prepared." You chuckle excitingly.

"Well, I needed to impress you of course."

"Well consider me very impressed. No one has ever put in this much effort for me."

"Really?" Taron sounds personally hurt by that fact, which makes him seem even more admirable. "Well, let me change that for you." You both take your seats on the soft blanket and Taron places the basket between the two of you.

"I feel bad I didn't bring anything," you say as Taron lifts the lid off the basket.

"Please don't. I love doing things like this, going all out for people is something I quite enjoy," he smiles up at you. What's the catch? This is too perfect, something bad must be coming, right? No, stop!

Blue Jean Baby (Taron Egerton x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now