Let me change your mind

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"Hi Taron," you blush and say your name.

"How lovely to meet you," Taron smiles and shakes your hand. "So, uh, not to be that guy but do you come here often?" He laughs as he asks the cliché question, and you chuckle back.

"Umm, yeah, I kind of do. I used to work here actually."

He sucks in a slight gasp. "Really?" You can tell he's had one too many tonight.

You laugh at his enthusiasm, "Yeah while I was studying for my teaching license I worked here part time."

"That's amazing!" He's coming off a little strong, which would usually throw you off, but there's something charming about him that makes you want to stay.

"Well now that you know a bit about my life story, what do you do?" He seems caught off by your question, he narrows his eyes at you while tilting his head back. "Sorry, is that a touchy subject?"

He smiles and shakes his head, "No, no, not at all. Well, I-" he lets out a dry chuckle. "It's, ah, well,"

"Don't tell me," You interrupt him and touch his knee. "Girls like a bit of mystery." Your face turns hot from your own forwardness, you're tipsy but not enough to not question what you just did. You bring your hand back to your lap and pick at your cuticles, feeling slightly embarrassed.

You look back and Taron winks at you, butterflies dance in your stomach. "So, you're a fan of Elton John?" He leans a bit closer for you to hear over someone scream-singing an Adele song.

"Yeah, I discovered that song when I was younger. It's kinda my anthem." You cringe at your words. Why did I just say that? What grown woman has an anthem? You're so embarrassing.

"Oh I love that," Taron responds, putting you at ease. "I personally love him as well. He's actually a really good person, I-" he cuts himself off and looks towards the stage. You're snapped back to the reality of the room and he says, "That's my cue, ready for my performance?" He stands up and offers his hand that you take. "Want a front row seat?"

You both laugh as he leads you closer to the stage. You take the empty seat that's right by the stage and Taron does a small jump to get on. You sit back, slightly nervous for how this is going to turn out.

There are a few confused looks around in the pub, but you know enough to know when George Michael is playing. The guitar strum starts playing and Taron moves his head to the beat. You can't help but laugh as he drunkenly takes the microphone off the stand. Then he starts to sing the song "Faith". And wow, he is truly amazing! Not only is he a good singer but an amazing performer, you can't take your eyes off of him, and it seems he feels the same.

The song ends and you are up on your feet applauding, and so are many others in the pub. He smiles and bites his lip as he finds your eyes again, then he jumps off the stage towards you. "You're amazing!" You say and Taron gives you a quick hug, which takes you by surprise but you aren't complaining.

"Ah, thank you. You were also good."

"Please don't even compare me to yourself." You are bumped into and end up stumbling into Taron, placing your hand up against his chest.

He wraps an arm around your waist to keep you from falling. "You alright?" He says looking down at you. You notice his sharp jaw line that circle around his pouting lips, if you could only reach up and-

"Are you in musical theater?" You ask and break away from him, knowing that you would take it too far if you let yourself continue.

"Um, I did some theater in the past, yeah." He seems a little thrown off by your abruptness, but doesn't mind.

"Wow, that's pretty impressive," you reply, not really knowing what to say but wanting to continue the conversation with the handsome stranger.

"Oh, it's nothing really, but thank you." Taron looks down at his feet for a moment, then peers up at you through his lashes. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"You don't have to-"

"Please, let me be a gentleman,'' Taron says. Jack would be disappointed if you didn't accept a free drink, so you agree and you both make your way over to order. There you see Jack talking and sipping a drink with the same guy. Taron walks up right next to him to get the bartender's attention. Jack drops what he was saying to the other guy to turn around and look at Taron.

Taron orders "Can I get two vodka cranberries please?"

"Good choice," Jack jumps in before you can say anything. He leans over to look at Taron in the eyes, smiling like an idiot. He catches your eye and you give him the "back off" look. With that he turns around to the other man who is less interested now.

"I hope you'll like the drink as much as he would." Taron jokes. Your drinks are placed on the counter and you two grab them and sip them down a little too quickly.

"So how did you learn to sing that well?" you ask in between your sips.

"Well thank you," he chuckles and says, "I've always loved singing and I took some voice lessons a few years ago. It's no big deal really."

"You know, you could go places with a voice like that. Just think of how many people there are with such amazing talent but will never be known to the world. You shouldn't live like me Taron, you should be known to the world." You know you're speaking too much, but you honestly don't care at this point. You're tired of being afraid of putting yourself out there, so you give him the pep talk you would give yourself. "And don't get me started on your stage presence, and face oh my god."

"What?" he asks.

"Oh nothing, it's just a shame that someone like you isn't on the big screen."

He smiles at you, almost like he's wanting to tell you something, but settles on "Well thank you y/n. You're too kind."

Not knowing what else to say to keep the conversation alive, you settle on the boring question, "So, what part of London are you from?"

"Well actually, I'm from Aberystwyth, Wales." His accent makes you melt. How is someone so perfect even talking to you? "I'm guessing you're from America?"

"Is it that obvious?" You cringe at the fact that you don't sound as lovely as he does. "I wish I had a sexy accent like yours."

"Oh, your accent is plenty sexy," he says with a serious face that turns into a smirk at the end.

"Shut up, you are such a bad liar." You both laugh.

"What made you decide to move here?" Taron asks and takes a sip.

"I just needed to get out. I didn't really fit in or was liked anywhere. I made an online friend here a few years back and we both decided that I'd be better off leaving everyone else and staying here. Luckily he didn't end up being a murder, as you can see because here I am."

"Wow," he lifts his eyebrows exposing his beautiful green eyes. "That's quite an impressive story. Crazy how you just... dropped everything to start over. Incredible."

You smile into your drink. "Yeah, London has really helped me become...more confident I guess is how I would describe it."

"Well, I'm glad you're here," Taron winks and lifts his drink to you. He's too charming for words. Why is he talking to you? "How are you liking it here?"

"Oh just great, been here some years now. The people here are nice for the most part, but the men here are kind of meh," you smile at him as you joke.

Taron tilts his head at you while raising his eyebrows at you. "Excuse me?" He teases, "Just meh? I don't think you've met the right men then."

"No, perhaps not, until now I guess. But I still need to make up my mind I think."

"Well then," he smirks at you while leaning in close. You can smell the sweet aroma of alcohol swirling around you two. "Let me change your mind."

Blue Jean Baby (Taron Egerton x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now