Excuse me, is this seat taken?

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You are startled awake to Jack bursting through your door shouting your name. "Oh my gosh are you trying to give me a heart attack?" You jolt up covering yourself with a blanket. "I'm trying to sleep in today," you grovel. You throw yourself back down on the bed and toss the covers over your head. After a long week at school you were really looking forward to getting some more sleep. But those dreams were crushed when Jack interrupted yours.

"It's your birthday today! I almost forgot!" Jack makes a beeline for your closet, shifting through your clothes. "Why haven't we planned anything? And why didn't you remind me?" You were kind of hoping he'd forget and you could both move on with the day, without any celebration or reminders that you're alone. Well not entirely alone, there is someone in here that thought it best to wake you up and make a mess of your closet.

"Isn't it a little early to be scolding me? And on my birthday too?" You tease Jack and get out of bed, coming to terms with the fact that you're awake for the day now. "I didn't want to make a big deal of it, I have too much work to do today anyway. It'll be alright."

"No no no, it's Saturday. Saturdays are for having fun and getting drunk, Sundays are for work and hangovers, and maybe a little more drinking." Jack pulls out your tight dark blue cocktail dress and holds it up against you.

You start humming "Saturday Night's Alright (for fighting)" You still have so many essays to grade before the end of the weekend.

"This is what you will wear tonight." You grab it from him and he turns back to the closet to find some shoes to go with it.

"Where am I going to wear this?"

"The pub, don't be dumb y/n," Jack teases. "It's karaoke night! The perfect birthday celebration!" The pub you used to work at still hosts karaoke every other Saturday night. You two have gone before to find some guys to talk to, but end up getting drunk and singing until you can't stand.

"I'll make some eggs and coffee for us," Jack leaves and you start getting ready for the day. It wasn't long before you start smelling what he was making, and your stomach tells you that it's time to eat. You two sit on the couch with the TV on in the background, something about a new show in the making, and chat while eating your breakfast.

Jack leaves for his modeling photoshoot for a new shoe brand, and you start getting some work done for your class. You start grading the essays, but somehow you end up writing yourself. You always find yourself procrastinating your teacher duties by writing short stories or screen plays. You have always loved writing new worlds and lives into existence. Ones better than your own to escape into, or perhaps ones worse to remind you of what you do have.

Before long it's five o'clock and Jack comes bursting through the door complaining how the photographer "didn't know what a camera was". He finds you sitting on the couch with your knees up, notebook pressed against your legs and pencil being chewed on.

"Oh my god, you weren't going to tell me you were working on something new?" Jack snatches your tattered notebook from your hands and you jump up from the couch after it. He turns his back so you can't grab it. You don't mind him reading your work, but you do mind when it's not finished yet. Since moving in together Jack has been your almost unpaid editor of your writings. He says that his payment is in free coffee, so café outings are frequent.

"Okay, a little murder mystery screen play." Jack takes a seat on the couch and you fold your legs underneath you next to him. You look at his facial expressions as he reads, he's very transparent and you can tell exactly what's on his mind, and from what you can tell he's liking it. "No, that's all you wrote? I need more! This is so good!"

"Is it?" You always ask.

"Of course!" Jack always responds. "You should give this to someone, a producer would snatch this up in a heartbeat!" He always adds.

And you always refuse, "I don't think I'm that good, and I wouldn't even know who to give my work to." You laugh it off and Jack shakes his head while handing you back your book.

You toss the book on the coffee table and you two start getting ready for your night out. You shimmy your dress on, not remembering it being this tight, and do your go to sparkly makeup look. You finish your face and stand back to admire your work. It wasn't until you got to London where you started having self confidence and liking the way you look. Smiling at the mirror used to seem so foreign to you, you like the way it's becoming a new normal. You both check yourselves out and take pictures in the bathroom mirror before heading out.

"Girl if we don't get so many men tonight I swear to god," Jack and you laugh as you're walking down the crowded pavement.

You notice a big, black SUV slowly drive past. You're getting used to it since there are a lot of important people that live in London, but it still excites you knowing that some celebrity that you admire might be looking at you through the tinted glass. "I wonder who that is," you point at the car driving away ahead of you. You don't bother masking the excitement in your voice.

"I don't know, someone who thinks they're important but are really not," Jack is not a big "celebrity fanatic". He thinks that people are people and that just because they happen to be in front of a camera doesn't make them better than those who live ordinary lives. This is big talk coming from a model, but you can see his point.

You roll your eyes at him and watch as the car turns down the road that you two are heading towards. "Oh, looks like we might have the same destination," you joke.

"Yeah right," you both laugh.

Not much longer you make it to karaoke and find it almost packed. "Maybe we should just get take out," you have to speak into Jack's ear in order for him to hear you over the chatter and music.

"No no no, y/n, we're going to have a great time! You just need to get tipsy first, I'll buy our first round." Jack grabs your wrist and leads you through the crowd to order the drinks. You each take a shot and you already start to feel more at ease. "Okay, what are you singing first? Don't say Elton John."

"Excuse me, sir, I can sing whatever I damn well please. It's my birthday so you have to support every decision I make tonight." You push his arm a little too hard, he apologizes to the crabby woman next to him for knocking into her. He looks back at you and tries not to laugh.

"I don't remember that being a rule, but you do you," Jack smiles at you and hands you a song choice card. You write your name and the song you want and hand it in. You and Jack pass the time by ordering rounds of shots and some cocktails. You have to sit through some good, some mediocre, and some awful singers. Finally, it's your turn.

The familiar sound of the intro to "I'm Still Standing" starts up and you jump on the mini stage in the corner of the room. You get some claps and woops, and a few groans from the regulars who are tired of always hearing Elton John from you. You really resonate with this song, so you put all your tipsy emotion into it and perform your heart out. It might be the alcohol, but you didn't sound half bad, pretty good if you'd say so yourself. You take a bow to receive your applause, and jump off the stage to find your friend again.

You find him at the bar talking to a man with a familiar face, you think Jack has talked to the same guy before, but he never goes any further than getting a few drinks out of him. He shoos you away as you get closer, and you spin on your heels before the guy he's talking to sees you. From an outside view this might be seen as rude, but it's standard procedure for you two at this point. You laugh and find an empty table to sit at. Maybe I should find some guy to talk to. You have enough alcohol in you to be confident enough to walk up to a stranger, something your sober self could never do. Before you could get up to find someone to talk to, a voice comes up from your right.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

You spin around to see an extremely good looking face not too far away from yours. He cracks a smile that shows off his dimples and perfect teeth. You're a little frazzled by how close he is to you. But you guess that is due to the fact that it's pretty loud. "Um no, you can take it." You smile back at the attractive man, then start to turn around in your seat again. That was until you hear him speak up again.

"Ah, great." Instead he sits in the seat next to you. "My name is Taron."

a/n: hey everyone! I'm doing some rewriting because I have new ideas and plans in store ;) hope you guys like my new additions :))) love ya! <3

Blue Jean Baby (Taron Egerton x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now