Chapter 40

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This chapter is something that made me cry, made me want to hit Divya in her head, made me regret having Divya meet Madhav and for the first time I thought what kind of people are Divya and Madhav? 

So do read this chapter and let me know what are your thoughts on it. I would really curious what you all think of them. 

For a long time the war of Aww kept on going, it even became a thing between Nandini , Madhav and Divya when they had to irritate each other or taunt them they would send each other that expression. But through this Divya realized how it wasn't just her in this whole thing, even Madhav was there and she needed to think about what he felt as well.

She wished for Madhav and she could have got a chance to talk about this, but then how was she to bring it up... this was just a joke, a game, and Madhav didn't even know that she liked him. There would be days she would keep on contemplating over it. She didn't even meet Parth after their conversation, at least not all alone, for she was scared he would ask her questions, and she didn't really have answers for anything at that moment. Hence she resorted to meeting him with her brother or her siblings or the times when his family would come over for lunch or dinners which was happening on a regular basis now.

It was mid of May and Divya and Natasha were talking over the topics of love, what perspective the two had of love. To which Divya had said,

"I have always found love to be a grip, it's like a sweet pain, but you know after a while it starts suffocating you... I would love someone but I am scared of that pain, the fact that the kind of love I am wishing for isn't there in this world it scared me."

"I understand, the kind of movies and books we have seen and read has given us a very unrealistic essence of love." Natasha replied, to which Divya said,

"Yeah, but I do understand the difference between reality and reel... you know what I want... I just wish that the person whom I love would understand me and I would understand him. I don't want him to do grand gestures for me, I just want him to support me, and give me a chance to support him, to make me believe that we are equal and whatever we do will be for us and not just me or him. But then there are as well compromises, it's really difficult for me to accept a few things, mostly I get scared that if I were to get a person in my life, I would have to let go off a few things... compromise on the things that I like, be it even a little bit but a compromise is a compromise, and I might even do that... but what if that isn't acknowledged? What then? What if it's just me in this whole thing?"

"Divya, the case with Madhav is different, when you will surely be in love and someone will love you back you will know that dude love isn't about compromises, if you love them then it's all about understanding, accepting, believing and loving back. There will be an understanding that will get you through it well."

The conversation ended there for that night, but Divya wished something like that to come true. She wished it would be a possibility with Madhav. Someone might think she was stupid, for the kind of guy Madahv was but she wanted to know what would happen, was there a possibility?

She than was reminded of her past crush, the way he had walked all over her, unknown to the fact that she liked him... but he wasn't to be blamed, divya never confessed her feelings to him, and yet it hurted her when he had walked passed her as if he didn't knew her at all. For years she had wondered if she was such a person who could be easily forgotten?

That fear had made her stand up and make sure that the next innings of her life would be easy and that she wouldn't have that regret or give someone power to walk all over her the way the past crush had, she wanted to let madhav know how she felt... not because she wanted to be in a relationship... but because she wanted to move on, she wanted to let her know that it was okay to like someone, that it's fine to be rejected, that it was alright to go and tell your feelings to someone.

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