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Song: Paper Planes (M

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Paper Planes (M.I.A.)

Callisto brushed her hair, looking at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. They had finished eating lunch about twenty minutes ago and she had immediately gone up to her room, changing into normal clothes. When she was done, she grabbed her bag from her bed, making sure that her wand and wallet were inside, before she bid her parents goodbye and got out of the house. She passed in front of Remus' house, her eyes searching for the boy in the garden, but after she saw that nobody was there she continued her merry way for the bus stop.

London was nothing like the area she lived in Bulgaria. Her aunt had very controversial opinions (which she couldn't really express), about pretty much anything, including politics, the economy, nutrition, the legality of marijuana and many more topics. Her lifestyle was pretty simple so she had bought a small cottage in a village out of Sophia. Choosing to stay in a more secluded area was the only common point her aunt and her parents had as far as she knew. Callisto got out of the bus, heading for the entrance of Diagon Alley. She could recognize some people sitting in the bar because she saw them in the morning when she left, including a middle-aged lady who had a bottle of fire whiskey in front of her when she left. Now the one bottle had become three and she was sound asleep, snoring loudly.

The girl entered the main road, strolling down the paved street. Her letter had arrived the previous day but she had decided not to go shopping today. There was no particular reason for that decision other than the fact that she was too bored to wait in the huge queues in every single shop at this weather. She could see people of her age all around her, mostly gathered in small groups. There was also the occasional lost and confused muggle born that was overwhelmed by the amount of pointy hats and robes surrounding them. She stopped at an ice cream parlor and went inside to get a bowl of her favorite stracciatella ice cream. Even though it was cloudy, it was hot and humid outside, making her wonder whether she was in England or hell.

When she left the ice cream parlor, the clock hanging at the entrance opposite from her showed five o' clock. She payed for the ice cream and walked down the Main Street, before turning in a small alleyway that led to Knockturn Alley. It was a subdivision of Diagon Alley and was notorious for the amount of Dark Arts shops it harbored. Many people even went as far as to say that they would never want to be seen in the alley. Callisto thought it was a bunch of bullshit. She had her wand with her and it was not like she was going to hesitate harming someone if it meant that she would protect herself. Besides, most illegal potions require illegal or rare ingredients that you can't really find at your local potions' shop. Nonetheless, she had to admit that the atmosphere of the alley made her feel slightly uneasy. In some places the sun was barely visible and the distinct smell of bodily fluids was too intense to be hygienic.

The things I do for success... Callisto thought as she involuntary took a large whiff of shit. She almost gagged but managed to keep it at bay, entering a small shop.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 [𝐑. 𝐋𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now