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Song: The Hills (The Weeknd)"I only love it when you touch me, not feel me

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The Hills (The Weeknd)
"I only love it when you touch me, not feel me."

"The password is Aurorora"

True enough, the password to the Slytherin Common Room had been recently switched from cocaine to Aurora. So, Remus found himself walking for what seemed to be the millionth time this year the dormitory stairs that would eventually lead him to Callisto's room. If he was being honest, he had never thought that he'd willingly enter the Slytherin common room in his seven years in school for something other than a prank. But he didn't know Callisto Claire then. That realisation kind of hurt him and scared him. If he had known her forever, how much more would he care about her?

He knocked on the door, his ears perched as he awaited for the familiar sound of her heels clicking against the floor or some other sound that would betray she was in the room. However, none of that ensued. Remus knocked on the door, waiting.

"Listo!" He shouted, the banging on the door becoming a bit more loud. He waited in front of the door for what seemed to be hours instead of minutes but the girl was nowhere to be seen. A bit reluctantly, he pulled out his wand and aimed at the hand, of the door, bracing himself for the loud sound as the handle exploded. The job would have been much cleaner if he had used a less invasive spell like Alohomora, but Dumbledore had charmed the handles in the dorms not to respond to the particular spell. Just as he expected, the door opened with a small push of his hand and he entered the dorm, closing the door.

"Reparo", he mumbled, sighing lightly as he came face to face with the empty room. Instinctively, his head turned to the small bathroom. The door was closed shut and he could now clearly hear the water running down. The invisible weight on his chest immediately disappeared and he sat on the edge of the bed.

The room was ten times neater to the dorm he shared with the boys. In fact, by the beginning of Christmas break, the room was so messy that you could barely distinguish between the color of the carpet and the clothes thrown messily on top of it. The only area that seemed to be a bit more organized was Peter's, while the messiest was surprisingly enough Remus'.

Remus' eyes wandered on the small nightstand next to the girl's bed and the shut drawer. His hand reached for it and he tried to open it, only to meet the resistance of the lock. Remus rolled his eyes and sat more comfortably on the bed, his fingers fiddling with the emerald blankets. The only sounds in the room were the water running accompanied by a barely audible humming coming from the bathroom. It was almost shocking to see how different Gryffindor and Slytherin were noise-wise. Remus truly couldn't understand how Callisto wasn't going insane from the silence.

His head perked up the moment the bathroom door swung open, Callisto coming out with a white towel wrapped around her body. His cheeks immediately flared red as he tried to stop his gaze from trailing down her body. Instead, he focused on the blue eyes that seemed even more vibrant with the smeared makeup around them. Her eyes narrowed slightly and he immediately averted his gaze, opening his mouth to say something but then immediately closing it.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 [𝐑. 𝐋𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now