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Song: To Wish Impossible Things (The Cure)"But now the sun shines cold

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To Wish Impossible Things (The Cure)
"But now the sun shines cold. And all the sky is grey. The stars are dimmed by clouds and tears. And all I wish, is gone away."

MAY 1979

Callisto woke up in the middle of the night, the repetitive noise of a beak hitting the glass window echoing in the room. Remus was still well asleep by her side, one arm draped over her, and she could hear the low volume of the TV from the living room, where Sirius had been sleeping.

The protocol said that in case of unexpected letters, more than one person were to handle them. It could be cursed, or it could be a portal, delivering you right into Voldemort's bony hug the minute you touched it. But, Remus looked peaceful sleeping under the covers and the full moon was fast approaching. He needed all the sleep he could get; waking him up just for a persistent owl would be heartless.

The owl tapped on the glass again and Callisto stood up, opening the window. The moment the white folder fell inside the room, the owl flew away, leaving Callisto behind with a sense of deja vu. She had seen that owl before, although she doubted it had delivered letters to her.

She picked up the two envelopes, getting under the covers again and lit up her wand tearing hers open. The other had Sirius' name on it, and it was placed on her nightstand. A picture landed on her lap, three faces looking up at her.

The picture had been taken during Easter of 1977, when Narcissa and Regulus had stayed with her. They were all on the floor, Narcissa holding the camera towards them with a wide grin, while Regulus looked distraught by the muggle object shoved in his face. She could see herself squished between the two, trying to keep a straight face at Regulus' horror.

I couldn't bring myself to throw it away.

Regulus' neat handwriting was enough to bring tears to her eyes. There had been no correspondence from any of them, and that one time she had seen Tobias on a mission, he had apparated away the moment he spotted her. The lack of communication was killing her, and even though she was grateful for the picture in her hands, she couldn't shake off the paralyzing fear in her chest.

Something was wrong.

She opened the folded letter.

Dear Callie,

Chances are that if you are reading this letter, I am dead.
There's nothing you can do, no way to save me or to help. I wish there was a way to comfort you, but I can't find the right words to make you feel better.
Just know that I died for a good cause. If everything went according to plan, Voldemort is one step closer to his death. Do not look more into this, you will find nothing. I couldn't live with myself knowing that I would be a weapon he would use against innocent people, against people like you.
All I ask from you is that you remember me. I don't want you to wake up one day and think of me just like another one of your classmates, or Sirius' little brother. I have always been defined by this, and it's unfair. I want you to remember me for me.
I really do love you. You're my best friend, forever and always.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 [𝐑. 𝐋𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now