The Phone Call

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"Hi Mark!" I squealed as Mark pulled my into his arms, spinning in a circle.

"Chloey! I missed you." He laughs.

I have just finished flying into LA to visit my best friend Mark... Better known as Markiplier these days. I was visiting him for the first time in months, I am so excited. We got into the car and drove to his apartment. When we arrived I set my bags by the door and grinned at him.

"What do you want to do first, my lady?" He asked me.

"I have nothing planned, it's just great to see you again." I pushed him and laughed happily.

"Oh! I know!" He yelled, "We can do each other's makeup and then our hair! Oh and maybe after that.. Let's talk about boys and their sexy asses." He said while flipping his hair and sticking out his butt.

I laughed at him and sat down, "That is so not the way girls act Mark."

"Are you sure?" He smiled and sits next to you.

After catching up on what you have been doing while being away, you decided to go touring. He took you around and showed you interesting places. He showed you the Hollywood sign and stuff like that. You went out for a nice little dinner and definitely laughed a lot. When we got back to his apartment it was 7:30 pm and my stomach hurt from laughing.

"That's what she said!" You burst at something Mark said while trying to explain something about computers.

"Shut up." He chuckled.

"How long does it take for you to do all your editing?" I asked and he went into a very long explanation.

He was really into his electronics, one topic went to another and he insisted on showing you everything. I think it's kinda cute. I smiled as he pushed back his long black hair and finished editing and started uploading. It was quite a long process.

After we went and ate a bag of chips, gotta love my Doritos, I don't like cheese its that much, how he still does after all the boxes he's gotten beats me, we were tired and decided we should probably sleep.

"Alright, I'll take the couch!" I announced and snatched a blanket.


I sat up and looked at him, "What do you mean no?"

"I mean i won't let you have the couch," He said, "I'll have it. You just go to my bed."

"What if I don't want you out of your own bed?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Then we'll both sleep in my bed." He said, his words thick with seriousness.

I shrugged, nodded, and followed him upstairs. I was blushing but he thankfully couldn't see it in the dark. He got in the bed and I curled up beside him. My shoulder slightly brushed against his and I smiled at the warmth.

Ten minutes later I still couldn't sleep and I lay, listening to his snores. I giggled a little as they got a bit louder. I seen my phone light up and grabbed it seeing my friend June was calling me.

"Hi." I whispered.

"Hey." She spoke loudly through the phone and I covered the speaker.

We talked about how I was doing and what I did in LA today after I arrived. She told me about how her boyfriend took to to a romantic restaurant and I giggling softly as she went on and on.

She paused, "Chloey. You should confess."

I felt my face heat up, "You know I can't do that.."

"Why not?" She exclaimed.

"Well... Mark is my best friend. If I ever told him that I..." I lowered my voice, "If I ever told him I loved him it could ruin our friendship."

"Ruin your friendship?"

"Yes. If I confessed my love to Mark he would hate me, no one could ever love a girl as ugly and stupid as me! Plus he obviously just wants us to st-"

I felt something grab my shoulder. I froze and my eyes widened. I slowly turned and seen Mark staring at me... He was awake.

I hear a faint, "Girl he wouldn't e-" I hung up and put the phone on the dresser slowly.

"Is that what you think." I hear Mark whisper.

My face burns up to approximately the heat of the sun, "Well I just.."

"Is that what you think Chloe?" He repeats harsher this time.

"That's what I know." I whisper and my lip starts to tremble.

I feel his hand as he sits up to face me and makes me look into his eyes, wiping my tear away with his thumb. He pushes a lock of my hair behind my ear and says, "Chloey. You are the most beautiful, fantastic, smart, and funny girl I know. I would never hate you and I wouldn't let anything get in the way of our friendship. Ever."

You process the words and your eyes widen. He gently caresses your jaw and pulls you in for a kiss. His lips are warm and soft, our lips to a dance in perfect harmony. We break apart only long enough for him to whisper, "I love you Chloey."

He came in for another kiss, this one is stronger and more confident, but still gentle and sweet. He licks your bottom lip and you give him an entrance. Our tongues wrestle playfully and I soon pull away. I smile and hold the man I've always loved, even if it was just secretly.

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