To The Beach

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I smiled at my boyfriend, Mark, as he drove the car. His hair was in his face and he lightly blew it out before glancing at me.

"What?" He smiled.

I giggled, "Oh, nothing. Just looking out the window."

He just shook is head and pulled up to the parking lot. We hopped out of the car and Mark giggled that adorable man giggle he has as he raced to the trunk. I grabbed the towels, sunscreen, drinks, and pulled my sunglasses over my eyes. Mark grabbed the chairs and we started walking down a hill, revealing the sparkling ocean and soft sand below.

"(Y/N), the sand is burning my feet!" Mark whined.

"Oh, shut up you big man baby." I chuckled.

Today was absolutely glorious, we couldn't ask for better weather than this. I smiled at the kids splashing and squealing in the water, and the ones running around the sand. Mark, like the gentleman he is, was setting up my chair as I put the towels in a neat pile, as well as the sunscreen.

"Thank you," I giggled and kissed his cheek, "I love youz."

He just grunted and started to put on sunscreen. I laid in my sun chair and looked at the gorgeous waters. This was definitely the best life. I started sipping on a water and tanning in the sun. Later I flipped onto my back and let the warm sun cover me like a nice blanket. I smiled at Mark as he played with two little boys. I closed my eyes and started to drift off.

My whole body was warm and feeling amazing, when suddenly I am being flung into the air. I let out a high pitch scream and open my eyes. That's when I hear Marks loud laughing.

"Put. Me. Down." I say in the most serious voice I can manage.

Mark just chuckled, "NOPE! You are gonna come have fun."

"Mark," I whined, "I was having fun!"

"Not enough!"

I opened my mouth to protest again when I was suddenly air born. I was about to scream but cold water completely covered me and I frantically thrashed around to get to the surface. I popped up and filled my lungs.

"MARK EDWARD FISCBACH!!! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!" I yelled and pointed by me as my wet hair stuck to my face.

I had a grin on his face, "Hello my lady!"

"What in the actual hell was that for!" I exclaimed and smacked water at him for emphasis.

"Hey missy!" He stared me in the eyes. "You can't just splash me and think you can get away with it."

I watched as he moved his arm outwards and then swung it at me. I squealed as water sprayed and covered me. That's it! He won't win this war on my watch! I leaped forward and started smacking my hands at him. He giggled his man giggle (I'm just saying it as it is peeps... Back to da water wars) and dunked me in. I came up spattering for air and he was too busy laughing to see me grab a child's large Pail and fill it. I creeped behind him and jumped on his back, dumping its contents over his head.

"Hey!!" He yelled and went under the water.

I giggled happily as he disappeared under the surface. I watched expectantly for him to come to the surface. Soon I grew concerned and rushed to the spot he was at... No where to be found.

"Mark?" I whispered and glanced around.

I heard a bubbling noise and gasped, spinning around just in time to see Mark jump up and land right on top of me. I had no time to move or scream for I was pushed under with Mark. I started punching his bare chest so he knew I wanted to get to the surface. His grip tightened on me and I ripped at his hands. He jumped up and I took a deep breath before I was thrown by a triumphant Mark.

I got up quickly and muttered, "that's not fair."

"What, me winning?" He boasted.

"I... I let you win." I sneered.

He crossed his arms. He went up to me and looked me in the eyes, "(Y/N), I totally won using my awesome skills."

I shook my head grumpily in a no and turned away from him. I felt him crawl up behind me. His arms wrapped around my waist and he gently kisses my neck. I couldn't help but lean back into him.

"I still win." I mumbled.

He squeezed my thigh, "If you say I won using my awesome skills I'll buy you ice cream... Any kind you want."

I freeze, "Any kind?"

"Any kind, my sweet (Y/N)."

"Cmon my amazing little champion!!! You have always had the most amazing skills ever, have I ever told you that!!!" I squealed and squeezed his cheek happily.

"That's what I thought." I hear him say with a smirk.

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