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Not edited... Also it's like midnight. Attempt to enjoy~

I was laying peacefully in my bed, dreaming of being a professional gymnast, walking on the high beam doing flips and cartwheels.

"(Y/N) WAKE UP!! TODAYS THE DAY!" Mark was propped right above me with a super excited face.

I groaned and flipped over, "What are you talking about? Go back to bed."

Mark pouted and pushed me back over so I faced him again. "I can't, it's 7:30 already. We finally get our baby today!"

I smiled, "Oh Mark, patience!" I propped myself up and kissed him gently on the lips, closing my eyes.

"Mm.." Mark mumbled deeply. I melted at the sound of his voice. He pushed me down into my pillow and pinned my wrists above my head, leaning back down and kissing me deeply, sucking on my lower lip.

I moaned softly and giggled, tossing my head back, staring into his chocolate brown eyes. "Easy there tiger."

He smiled and released my wrists, sitting me up. "Just passing the time." He said.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the pillow, "Can't you just go back to sleep? It's way too early Mark."

"The sky's awake, so I'm aw-" I gave him look. He pouted and stood up, "You're no fun."

I rolled my eyes and stood up after him, grabbing clothes out of my closet. I showered and changed then met Mark downstairs at 9:00. I made breakfast and we laid on the couch watching Netflix, eating slowly.

Mark looked at me and groaned as Doctor Who ended. I looked at the time, 11:46 am. "Patience, our baby will be here soon."

I snuggled into his shoulder and closed my eyes, slowly drifting into sleep. "OH! (Y/N), I know what we can do!" Mark shouted.

I shot up, panting heavily, and glared at him, "OW?!"

"️Hehe, sorry." He said as I tried to calm the ringing in my ears. "Let's get the house all ready for her."

"Oh, sounds fun." I smiled and walked to the garage.

Mark already had a HUGE bed as well as toys and treats picked out for her. We carried the stuff inside and out the treats in a cabinet. We spent a while deciding where to put her bed. Finally, we decided to put it on the floor of our room.

"Perfect." I finally took in reality, excitement surged through me. "I can't wait! She's going to be soo cute!"

The backyard had been ready for our baby for almost a week. Yeah.. We are eager. I glanced at the clock and gave Mark a look, "It's time."

"YAY!!" He yelled and took my hand, pulling me to the car.

Hand in hand, Mark and I walk to the adoption center. He looks at me excitedly and we open the doors, making our way to the front desk.

"Fischbach." Mark says, the woman clicks on her computer and smiles.

"You two adopted a Golden?" She asked.

"Yep! That's us!" I chirp, itching to see my puppy for the first time.

"Great." She disappeared into the back of the room and Mark and I exchanged looks.

A cat came up from the front office and rubbed on my legs. Aw, what an adorable kitty. I picked her up and stroked her black fur, Mark gushed and patted her head. We sat there with the kitty and waited for her return. The door creaked open and our heads snapped up.

"Here she is!" The lady said and walked in with a Golden walking next to her silently.

"Awww!" I squealed and the cat jumped from my arms.

I ran and got on my knees, kissing our new pup on the head and wrapping my arms around her happily. The day is here at last. She sat down shyly, moving her head back. I scratched behind her ears and cooed. Mark sat next to me and held out his hand letting her sniff it. She sneezed and put her head in his lap, he laughed.

We finally got home and let her out of the car. Mark had her on the leash and followed her around the yard as she curiously smelled her new surroundings. I went inside and watched the two from the window, laughing as he wiggled a toy and threw it as she lazily laid in his lap. Eventually he brought her inside.

"Are you ready now? I've got a few names for her that are fitting." He asked, rubbing her head.

"Umm.." I eyed her. "What do you like  better girl, Chica or Rosa?"

Mark puffed out his chest, "She likes my name better, Rosa, duhh."

"Whatever, Chica is way better." I patted my lap. "Here Chica, come here girl."

Mark clapped his hands, "Rosa, come on over baby girl."

The dog looked at the two of us like we were completely insane for a moment. She let her tongue roll out as she began to pant, lazily taking a few steps forward. We sat there on the floor watching her anxiously. She sniffed the air and took another step, plopping in my lap.

"YES! Good girl Chica, yeah, who's a good girl?" I laughed at his expression. "Told you so."

He crossed his arms and made a half assed pout, rubbing her back. "Fiiiine."

She turned around and licked his hand before relaxing back on my lap again. "Chica is a nice name though."

"Exactly, and much more fitting." I looked up at him, "We should go make a video, introduce her to your loyal fans."

He stood up and grabbed the camera, looking at the two of us fondly. "Alright, come here princesses."

I made a face, "I'm a princess?"

Mark walked over and gave me a kiss. "Of course."

I put my hand on hip, "Bitch please, I'm a queen."

He burst into laughter and turned towards the backyard, "Alright, come here my royalty."

"If we must."

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