The Teddy Bear

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I squealed in pure delight as we reached the top of the hill, the fairs bright and colorful lights appeared before us. I watched the Ferris wheel spin in a circle and the zipper cages do wild flips. My body tingled with excitement.

Mark chuckled, "This really is a big thing for you, Huh (y/n)?"

I bounced up and down in my seat as we pulled into the parking lot, "It's the fair!! Duh it's a big thing, and It's something special from my childhood!"

I jumped out of the car and raced to the ticket booth. Mark bought us both wrist bands as an all day pass. The woman in the booth smiled at the two of us and handed over the bands. Mark grabbed my hand and we walked through crowds of people. Some of the lines were pretty long!

"Oh! What should we go on first?" I leaned into Mark, looking up at him with glee.

"Ladies choice." He motioned around at the whole fair with his hand.

"Yay!" I squealed, grabbing Marks arm and running off to the rides section, dragging him along with me.


Mark and I nibbled on cotton candy (some people also call it 'candy floss' so I'm sorry if there is confusion) and walked around the fair, happily chattering about the rides we had gone on. Dusk slowly dropped down on the town and the fairs brilliant lights shined upon us, dancing on our skin. The air cooled down as the sun disappeared under the horizon. I laughed and began to eat the last of my cotton candy when I stopped abruptly. My eyes were glued to an enormous teddy bear. It's caramel brown fur looked thick and soft, I wanted it more and more the longer I looked at it.

I turned around to see Mark smirking at me. A grin found its way in my face and I grabbed Marks shoulders, leaning on him. I stared up at him hopefully as he knew what I wanted.

"Heyyy!!! You over there!!" The game operator shouted enthusiastically at Mark. "Step right up and prooooove yourself to your lady!"

I giggled as Mark puffed up his chest and walked over to the game. The game was a well known one. Darts. You have to pop one balloon for a small prize, two in a row for a medium prize, and four in a row for the big prize... The teddy bear. I stared at the bear with want as Mark handed the operator a five dollar bill.

"Alriiiiiiight!! Here are five darts, you may begin now!" He shouted, winking at me.

I excitedly skipped beside Mark and leaned over the counter, waiting for Mark to throw his first dart. He quickly flexed his muscles at me, making me blush and giggle.

"For you, m'lady (y/n), I shall get that bear!" He grinned confidently and threw the first dart.

I took a deep breath, watching as the first dart went into the back board. Mark cleared his throat, "That was just a warm up."

I chewed my bottom lip and he threw the second dart. Pop! I grinned and bounced excitedly. Mark breathed in and out, grinning at me and flexing again. He reached back, pushed his arm forward and released the third dart. I heard another satisfying pop!

"Yeah!! Cmon Mark!" I cheered.

Mark threw his fourth dart. I watched as it bounced off of a green balloon, falling down to the floor. Marks shoulders dropped before he stood up tall and clenched his fists.

"One more dart!" The Operator shouted. "You can still win your girl over and try again at the bear for fiiiiiive more dollars!!!"

Mark handed over another five and threw his darts. I was on my tippy toes, watching the board intently as if a movie was playing on it. First dart, Miss. Second, Hit. Third, hit. Fourth, miss. Fifth, miss.

"Damnit!!" Mark growled and shoved his hand in his pocket to fish for another five.

I put my hand on his shoulder, "Hey, I ca-"

"I've got this (y/n)!" He handed over the five.

I watched as Mark played game after game, it was really cute how hard he tried to get the bear for me. It was just a stuffed animal but he wanted so bad to make me happy. I couldn't let him waste anymore money and finally grabbed his arm and jerked him back.

"Enough! Good god, it's ok!" I laughed and hugged Mark.

Mark mumbled and hugged me back. I grinned and stood tall to kiss my goofball on the cheek. I watched as he walked back to the game stand. I tilted my head in confusion, he better not be going back to play another game.

"What are you.."

"I'm getting the prizes I won silly." Mark smiled at me.

I raised an eyebrow as Mark turned around holding at least twenty five small stuffed animals. I rushed to help grab some and began to laugh. What am I supposed to do with all of these?! My eyes watered up as i laughed and Mark began laughing too.

"S-sorry for not getting you the bear you wanted." He looked at me, a small smile on his face.

"Are you kidding? I don't need some stupid bear, I've got everything I need right here." I nudged Mark, accidentally causing him to drop an animal.

He picked it up and we continued walking, "Well, I still wanted to prove to you I could get you what you wanted... That didn't really work out."

"Aw, Mark," my heart practically melted, "You've given me everything I wanted and more."

I stood on my tip toes and kissed him. We stood there, foreheads together, looking into each others eyes for a while in a comfortable silence. Blocking out the music and happy cheers of teenagers.

"I love you (y/n)."

"I love you Mark."

I smiled at him and quickly pecked his lips before pulling away. I suddenly realized how exhausted this day had made me. I yawned and Mark smiled at me.

"Ready to go home?"

I nodded sleepily and leaned into him as we walked. I had a small smile stuck to me face as I listened to our footsteps as we walked to the car.

"Hey (y/n)?"

"Yeah Mark?"

"How much money did I spend on that game?"

"About 50 bucks."



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