Bad News

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I opened our apartment door and peeked inside. Yep. Mark was still laying on the couch. My heart sunk, so many heavy emotions weighed it down. Ever since Daniels attempted suicide and shutting off his life support, Mark has been zombie-like. He gets up to use the restroom and occasionally eat something, other than those things he is practically an empty shell.

Mark shifted on the couch, sniffling as he did. Mark has showed hardly any emotion at all, during the whole process I haven't seen any tears, though sadness and confusion swarmed his features. I ached to see a smile on his face. Sorrow filled me, Daniel was my friend to. He inspired each and everyone of us that had ever met up with him, and I held myself responsible for not seeing the inner demons he faced.

Tears filled my eyes and threatened to spill down my cheeks, I quickly wiped them away and held back a large sob. Setting the groceries down on the counter, I slowly walked up to Mark and placed my hand gently on his shoulder. He stiffened. It hurt me to see poor Mark like this, he was taking this very hard. I haven't known Daniel nearly as long as Mark and sadly didn't know every bit of pain Mark was feeling at the moment. I was letting him down.

"Hey, Mark." I whispered slowly into his ear, tugging lightly at his shoulder. He didn't budge. "Please... This isn't your fault Mark. Please."

Mark froze again, slowly turning to face me. I gasped, he had dark bags under his bloodshot eyes, pink and black hair tangled and knotted as though it hadn't been touched for days, and it probably hadn't.

He slowly sat up giving me some room to sit next to him. Slowly, I ran my fingers through his hair. "I'm so sorry, Daniel... He was such a great man."

Sorrow and pain filled marks features, it looked like he was drowning in it. I hugged him tight as he began to tremble. I rocked him gently and whispered kind things into his ears, trying to reassure him that I was here, no matter what.

His body began to shake violently and he let out long and hard sobs. "Hey, shh, it's all right baby.. It's ok."

I rocked Mark back and forth trying to let him know I was here, i would always be here. I wished for nothing more than Marks big smile and heart melting laugh. For those joy filled eyes, brighter than the sun in August. I squeezed my hurting love and held him tight, running my fingers lightly up and down his back.

"I s-should have k-known," Mark finally choked out, "he w-was.. Is my b-best f-friend."

"No.. Nonono. Mark you couldn't have known. It's not your fault." I pulled back and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look into my eyes. "There's nothing you could have done, you've already done everything for him."

His eyes had a haunted look in them. I teared up and felt my lower lip tremble. I shook my head at him slowly, my breaths becoming uneven and hard to take in.

"No one could have asked for such a great friend.. You are amazing." I whispered. The tears finally rolled down my cheeks and dropped from my chin, feeling hot against my chilled face.

Marks eyes softened and he sat back slightly, delicately wiping the tears from my face. He gave me a small smile. "Thank you."

He pulled me in tight, his warm body pressed tight against mine. I pulled back and looked into his brown eyes, trying to return the smile.

"No matter what, I'll be here for you Mark. We can get through this. Together." I grabbed his shoulders and stared into his eyes.

He blinked, the steady stream of tears slowing, "Together."

For Daniel Kyres. RIP, no matter what, we will always love you. From Hanna and the Markiplier Army. <3

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