Valentines Surprise

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I woke up groggily and dragged my feet to the closet. I felt kinda cheery today and decided to put on a pair of jeans with a gray mid arm shirt and a white scarf. (As shown in picture above) I brush my blonde and hair and put on mascara before going downstairs.

I lay on the couch and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I see its 10:23 and... Holy shit its Valentine's Day! I completely forgot. I jumped up and ran to check the calendar. Yup, today's the day. I sighed and scolded myself for forgetting to get my boyfriend Mark anything. I put on a light jacket and adjusted my scarf before going to the door. I swung my front door open and nearly had a heart attack when I seen mark with a hand raised by my face.

"Aaah!" I yelped and jumped backwards.

"Samantha! H-happy Valentine's." He chuckled and blushed.

"Oh, Mark! Happy Valentine's Day, I love you." I felt my face heat up as I greeted him. I noticed a hand behind his back. "What's that Mark." I asked trying to peer behind him.

"Hey no peeking missy!" Scolded on a playful voice.

"Cmon." I whined. He chuckled and pulled a huge bouquet of lilies and tulips. I gasped and smelled them before pulling him in for a bear hug. "Thank you so much, those are my favorite." I whispered.

"I know." He laughed looking a little nervous. "Cmon. Grab your shoes and follow me Sammy."

I put the flowers in a vase then got on my striped shoes and got in the car. I held onto one of his hands as he drove to somewhere I have never been before. The surroundings changed I and began to get really confused.

"Mark, where are we." I asked nervously.

"We are almost there, hold on." He squeezed my hand reassuringly.

I tapped my fingers my knee until I noticed the car begin to slow. I looked out the window to see a river flowing threw this gorgeous place. I jumped out of the car onto the long silky grass. Little flowers sprinkles the land and I listened to the sound of the stream.

I gasped and held Mark close, "It's so beautiful."

I smiled and led me to the stream. We stood near it but not to close by a patch of light blue flowers. He kissed my hand before letting go and getting on one knee. I felt tears sting my eyes as he reached into his tux and pulled out a little black box.

He took a deep breath before saying, "Samantha Ryan Galopas. I knew you were the one when I seen you walking out of the park that day. I remember chasing after you like a fool and asking you for some time. That was the best time of my life. Right now I am asking you to spend the rest of your time with me Sammy, Your whole life. Samantha, will you marry me?" He looked really nervous as he peered into your soul with his perfect brown eyes, filled with hope.

You couldn't hold it in and the tears spilled down your face extremely quick as you choked out, "Of course Mark." He slid the ring on your finger and kissed you with lots of passion. You could feel the Sparks flying like never before as you got ready for the rest of your life with the goofy man you love.

Hey guys this was my first short stories. I'll try to get longer ones out... I'm a rookie when it comes to this stuff but have ideas for more. Thanks guys, BUH BYE!!!
~ xoxoxo Hannatigerz

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