Just dance (oh shut yo face, i know)

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You were on the edge of your black chair, staring intently at the computer screen. You chewed your bottom lip and leaned in closer to the screen, You were so close. There we go.... Just one more... Wait for it..

"Aaahh! NOO!" You screamed as You went smashing into the hard floor.

Your ears rang slightly before You heard Mark laughing above you. He was now holding his stomach, peering down at you with a twinkle in his eyes. He has just ripped the chair out from under you!

You quickly jumped up and threw yourself at the computer desk, letting out an angry wail as You seen the horrid green letters that read 'Game Over.' Slowly, you slid back down onto the floor. You was so close to beating the high score, it's not fair! Just a second away!

"You should have seen your face!" Mark burst out.

"You should have seen my score!" You yelled back, "God damnit Mark! It's not fair!"

You grabbed a notebook from the desk and began to repeatedly smack Mark with it. He covered his face in an attempt to protect himself, still giggling. Finally, You stopped smacking him and he ruffled your hair. You scowled at him.

He made a pouty face at you, "I just wanted to play with you (y/n)."

You sighed, "It better be worth ruining that for me."

"I just want to play... just dance!!" He laughed, grabbing your hands and twirling you around in a circle.

Still a little irritated, you allowed him to pull you to the x-box that was set up in the living room. He picked a song, Centuries by Fall Out Boy, and enthusiastically pulled you in front of the large TV.

It started really fast, slightly catching you off guard. You moved a tiny bit, feeling a little embarrassed by the weird dancing. Soon you started to get the hang of the rhythm though and smiled. You glanced sideways in marks direction and burst into laughter. He was jumping up and down and moving in weird circles like a chicken with its head cut off!

"Ha! Check out these moves baby!!" Mark boasted and wiggled his arms.

The song quickly ended and Mark turned towards you, "I won by so many points, bow to the dancing king!"

"Hey, no fair," you pouted, "I hardly play this game... I demand a rematch!"

Mark smirked at the challenge and picked a new song. You both got in your own starting stances and the song began.

At first you stumbled a bit, but quickly mastered their techniques. You and Mark spun and swayed, jumped and twirled, kicked and swung your arms. You did all sorts of hilarious dance moves and got many combos. At one point you made eye contact and completely lost it... You seen how silly each other were and began a crazed laughter. A tear rolled down Marks cheek as the two of you laughed, shaking your hips.

Mark made a snorting sound and crashed into your side causing you to collapse into the couch. Mark, half on top of you, trembled with laughter. You forced in some air quickly.

You weakly pushed his side, "Get off of me you big man baby."

He ignored your request and just pushed you farther into the couch. This made you begin to angrily pound on his side, trying to exclaim your protests. Everything came out muffled. At every chance you breathed in air, still giggling. Finally Mark stood up. You rolled over and sent Mark a long glare.

"Good game." You pant.

"You know it (y/n)," Mark laughed, "My game is always good."

"Whatever," you rolled your eyes, "because I won, will you get me a glass of water please."

He made a pouty face. It just made you laugh, it had to be the most pathetic thing you've seen, ever! He finally got up and went into the kitchen, getting the nice water you wanted. When he got back the two of you happily sipped the water and talked. You did fight a little bit over who beat who, but you finally broke him and got him to say you we the big winner.

Mark turned towards you about an hour later, "Rematch?"


Sorry everyone, it has been WAY too long!! But I'm back! Ok, here you guys go. I'm sorry that I'm not very good... >~<

Enjoy~ xoxoxo Hannatigerz

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