Hot Sauce n'Vlog

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I sunk back into the couch and took huge bites out of a slice of pepperoni pizza, smacking and licking my fingers. I slurped sauce off of the side of my cheek and met Marks eyes. He was giving me that 'really' look with an eyebrow raised high.

"What?" I said in between a large bite.

"What made me choose you?" He rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically.

"Because you love me!" I said, pizza threatening to fall out of my mouth. I was sure it came out more like, 'vecuv gu wuv ma'.

He giggled and covered his eyes, "Oh god, (y/n), haha, stop!"

I finished my pizza giggling, he loves it and he knows it. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, making sure to get every little hiding pepperoni piece, Dumb things. I turned and seen Mark leaning in the door frame. I slowly raise a brow.

"Yes Mark?"

He grins, "Guess what day it is?"

"Um.." Shit, am I supposed to remember something.. Birthday? No. Anniversary? Nuh uh. "Monday?"

"Yep!!!" He held up his camera. "That means time for a vlog, and today you get to be in it."

I stood there like a confused idiot, oh. At least I was good with my quick thinking, kudos to me. He pressed play and looked into the camera, leading me to the living room. We plopped onto the couch and he out an arm around my waist, pulling me close.

"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, welcome to Monday's vlog! Today my lovely girlfriend..."

"(y/n)!" I quickly said, smiling and waving goofily.

" joining me, isn't that right?" I nodded.

He rambled about his plans for the charity LiveStream for Thursday evening and other upcoming events happily as i nodded and occasionally said a few things.

"That's all I think, right?" He asked me a good eight minutes later. I nodded. "Alright, and what better way could we start off the week and end this vlog than with hotsauce!"

I froze, "Um, excuse me? I didn't agree to th-"

"Great! Now, this is (y/n)'s first time so don't laugh too hard at how bad she'll be." He grinned.

I shook my head, "Who said I- hey!" I narrowed my eyes. "It's on."

He smiled knowingly, I don't back out of a challenge. He was definitely challenging me. I sat up and looked him in the eyes.

"Whoever goes the longest without any milk and anything to cool the burn, wins. Got it?"

"Ha, deal! Get ready to go down little lady!" He boasted.

"I'm not little!"

He paused the footage and set up the camera as I got the milk and hot sauce. He was going to be sorry he ever brought up hot sauce, that's for sure. I set them on the table and grabbed our spoons. Mark played the camera again and gave me a big Devil-May-Care grin.

"Alright markiplites, get ready for him to go down!! To the ground!! Where I'll pound-"

"Enough." He rolled his eyes.

We both carefully filled 1/4 of our spoons and showed the camera. I looked at the hot sauce wearily... It's alright. I can do this. I took a deep breath and brought the spoon to my mouth. Mark copied my motions.

I looked into the camera, "For victory! For proving to the world girls rock!"

I seen Mark roll his eyes in the camera lenses reflection and giggled, we both put the hot sauce in our mouths.

At first it was a cold substance sitting on my tongue, then a couple seconds later, it hit. It lit my mouth on fire (not literally) and I let out a small yell.

"Ah! Uh, ot! Ot!" I fanned my mouth... This sadly helped me none.

I quickly swallowed and look at Mark, he was making lmao worthy facial expressions and sticking out his tongue. "Oh! Damn, I forgot how h-hot, fuck, hot this is!"

I fanned my mouth frantically, cursing. "Give up!"

"Hooot, never!" He hissed.

I reached forward and held onto my milk glass, feeling the cold on my hand. It was so bribing. I made more frantic yelling noises. Holy shit, it burns! It felt like a million needles that had just been removed from lava were repeatedly stabbing my tongue and cheeks. My grip tightened in the milk glass.

"I... Ah!! I can't!" I whined and brought the glass to my lips.

I started chugging the milk, after Mark seen my loss, he drank his too. We sat there frantically drinking the milk for a while, fighting for breath. I set my glass down and glared at Mark.

"No fair! You've had way more practice at this than I have." I whined pathetically.

He smirked, "You are the one who challenged the all mighty MARKIPLIER!!"

I huffed and looked at the camera, "like if you thought this was totally unfair."

Mark pushed in front of me, "comment if I am the best!"

I tried to push him off but to no avail. I started punching him over and over, "Get off yah big man baby!"

He stood up and pretended to be offended. Finally, he ended the video and smiled at me. He walked towards me with a grin, I grumbled under my breath and walked away.

"Don't be like that (y/n)."

A minutes later I came back into the room and hugged Mark. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled tight, mumbling about how much he loved me. I smiled. I put my hand on his butt and slipped something in his back pocket.

He pulled back, "What was that?"

"Five bucks." He tilted his head.

"For what."

"Go buy more milk." I spun around and walked away.

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