chapter 3 the class of 1-A

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Chapter songs Nitrous-joji Funny thing- thunder cat
Kaylynn's pov)

I noticed he had a black shirt, khaki pants, black boots, and a small costume with red wings.
"Hey we're matching," I say pointing out our wings. "Oh we are, you're wings look way more real than mine. May I?" He said indicating he wanted to touch them. "That's because they are real," I say as he runs his hand over my feathers. "Is this your quirk? I'm almost certain I did not see them earlier." He says with a slight shock in his tone.

"Oh no she's way cooler than that. But we got vodka, whiskey, rum, and a couple of mixers. Anywhere we can place this?" Amara asks. "Oh yes, I'm sorry, let me take you to the kitchen." He says leading the way. "Oh by the way these are my friends Hiori Amara, and Lakely Madeline, or Madi for short," I say mixing a drink for everybody. "Nice to meet you, please feel free to anything in the kitchen. We have baked sweets Satō made, some tiny cheeseburgers, rice balls, yakitori, and some sushi." He said point all the delicious food.

I hand him a cup and then grab a plate to fill with yummy food. "What's this?" He asks very concernedly. "I call it an adult pink drink. It's strawberry vodka, strawberry chips, coconut milk, and coconut rum. Trust me it's delicious. He takes a sip, then looks at the cup with no expression and takes another sip.

"Well let me introduce you to some of my friends. Lida, Koda, and Ojiro weren't able to be here sadly." He said leading us back into the common room.  In the corner of the common room, there was a square couch, in front of it was a make-shift stage and a karaoke machine. "Hey guys this is Castleman Kaylynn, I met her earlier today, and these are her friends Lakley Madeline, and Hiori Amara." He said pointing to each of us. "Please feel free to use our first name." I saw with a smile. Then everyone on the couch went around saying their names.

"Woah is Todoroki drinking! Looks like tonight is gonna. Be a good night." Sero says raising his cup. "May not know it but that cold exterior melts pretty fast after a few drinks," Tokoyami says laughing. Well, he is very monotone.

"So wait are those real," Bakugo asks pointing at my wings. "Um yes," I answer not knowing how to respond. "Oh so is your quirk similar to hawks?" Uraraka asks. "Oooh do your intro!" Madi exclaims. "Oh my god yes this is going to be great." Amara agrees as she and Madi get comfortable Madi sits on the available seat on the couch and Amara sits between her legs.

"Um, I don't know about that," I say getting a bit embarrassed. "Wait no this sounds interesting," Denki says with a curious look, followed by a bunch of yeah, come on, do it, get up there. "Come here," Todoroki says grabbing my hand and leading me to the stage. His hand was the perfect temperature, I assumed each side might be a different temperature. I hold his cup now half-finished as he fixes the microphone stand to my height. He then takes our cups and smiles and me before taking a sip of his cup.

"Um, I'm not sure where to start," I say getting stage freight. "Improvise!" Amara yells out. "Hello, my name is Castleman Kaylynn. At first sight, it might look like I have a normal pair of wings but unlike Hawk's my wings can do this." I said ruffling my feathers and changing the colors. Some ooos came from the group in front of me. "But not only can they do that," I say pulling them close to me and stretching them out, now in the form of a batwing. I then flap them back and bring them forth in the form of butterfly wings. "Now you see them. Now you don't." I say turning around and pulling up my shirt to expose my back.

"Not only can I do that with my wings but with any part of my body," I say running my hands through my hair and changing the color of it. "So you can morph into anything?" Mina asks. "Or anyone." I shake my head as I  take her form. "The only things I can't do is use their quirks or morph the iris of my eyes, but this is what I naturally look like," I say going back to my natural state.

"Woah you look holographic and you have cat ears. You look like a sexy neko." Mineta says almost drooling. Todoroki sends a death glare at him as Sero tapes his mouth shut. "I'm sorry about that, please ignore him." Jiro apologizes.

"So you can morph big deal," Bakugo says. "Well let's dig deeper I'm going to take these off and give you 5 secs to look at my eyes," I say taking off my glasses counting to 5, and closing my eyes. "So um what color were my eyes?" I hear people shout light blue, pink, purple, and light green. "They're heterochromia with all those colors," Shoto says making everyone quiet. "Bingo!" I say turning on my flash and waking around so everyone could see. "Well, what does that have to do with anything you may ask. Give me a moment I'm getting there, does anyone have a random stick or string?" I ask.

"Would a piece of tape work?" Sero asks. "Yes that's perfect any size," I say taking a 3-foot piece of tape from him. I hold it slightly above my head and glide my hand slightly over it crystalizing it to the form of a katana with the hardest type of crystal I could, diamond. "Hold on you can crystalize things," Kirishima asks astonished by the katana. "I can create it anywhere on anything almost," I say handing him the katana. "Wow, this is heavy." He says passing it around. "Really sharp too. So be careful." Madi warns

"Any questions?" I look around. "So you also have 2 quirks like Shoto?" Midoriya asks. "Yes, actually I was created because of him."

"Wait because of me?" A very shocked Todoroki asks.  "What do you mean created?" Toru follows. "Well more because of your dad. My parents were scientists, they heard of what Todoroki Enji was trying to do. They took one look at 2year old you and knew it was time so they took their DNA spliced it and created me." I see everyone with shocked faces. 

"Well cheers to the Castleman's for the work of art they created, and may crystals she makes shine like me," Aoyama says with his drink in the air. I take my cup from Shoto as I get off the stage. "And to a great party tonight!" I say joining Aoyama. "Cheers!" Everyone yells.

The rest of the night was a blur. We ended up taking shots and singing karaoke which included drunk Todoroki and Bakugo dancing on the table dancing proactively, showing their abs, and playing with the band of their pants. We continued dancing in the middle of the common room. As the music and alcohol pumped through our bodies my eyes never left his. Our faces inches from each other he puts a hand around my waist and the other grabs my chin.

In a low almost inaudible voice he says "You're so beautiful." He pulls me closer to him until his lips meet mine. His lips were so soft. We swayed to the music as we continued to make out. I didn't want to stop. Then suddenly I feel Madi grab my hand.

"Come on, we're playing dare or dare. you guys are missing out."


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