chapter 17 unedited

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Kaylynn's pov

When I awoke I felt a strange cold. I turn in my bed to see it empty. Had he left? Was this why he said he was sorry last night? A pain in my chest started to grow. I couldn't cry, I felt empty.

I decided to get up and take a shower. When I did a surge of pain shot up my thighs and to my core. My knees buckle and I land on the floor. I grab my comforter and wrap it around me as tears slowly start to fall from my eyes.

He wouldn't do this, there's no possible way. Maybe he left a note or a text. As I turn to look for my phone or a note the door of my room opens. A shocked Shoto walks in, leaving the bags in his hands at the door, he quickly made his way over to me.

"I'm so sorry I thought I would make it back before you woke up." Even more tears started to fall from my eyes like a water fall. "I would never leave you, I'm sorry I made you feel that way." He said holding me tight in his arms.

Lifting me off the floor, he set me on the edge of my bed. "Please wait here. I'll start a bath for you." He moved towards the bathroom, but turned around really quick to pick up the bags off the floor placing then on the table.

He then pulled out a small bag filled with donut holes. "I'm sure you're very hungry." He said giving me the bag and making his way into the bathroom.

He no longer had been wearing the same clothes as the night before. He now wore black jeans, a plain white shirt, and a black button up with the arms folded up to his elbow.

"Okay all ready." He said coming out. He then picked me up and as he took a step he noticed the comforter that I held against my body. "Are you planning to take a bath with it?" He questioned. I hesitantly let go of it. He then gently placed me in the tub. I sighed at the feeling of the warm water hitting my skin. The warm water made my sore thighs and core feel much better.

He then left letting me know breakfast would be ready when I came out. "Let me know if you need any help."

I took my time bathing and sat in the bath until the water went cold. I then got up, drain the bathtub and showered the bath water off me. When I stepped out if the shower I saw a tank top, panties, and shorts.

Walking out of the bathroom I could see two plates of chicken, waffle, bacon and eggs. "I'm not that great of a cook, so I picked up a few things from my favorite breakfast place. I also got you a caramel ice coffee. I remembered you saying something about liking that." Shoto pulled the chair out and watched me hobble over to him.

"Thank you this looks great. You really didn't have too." I say taking a seat. I really wanted to ask why he left was it just to get me breakfast? Why had he left to change?

It was then, as if to read my mind, he said "On Saturdays mornings I like to go visit my mom. So I naturally woke up early. It's was about 6:30 when I left, I didn't think you'd be up till later so I took your key card. I'm very sorry I made you cry." He apologized.

I let him know it's okay, that he had came back and that was all that mattered. We then ate quietly. I hadn't notice how hungry I was until the buttery food hit my tongue.

After we finished eating I walked over to my bed, but before I got comfortable Shoto asked me to wait. He then walked over to the table and grabbed something out of one of the bags. It was a massage oil.

He then kneeled between my legs. I subconsciously squeeze them together then relax them quickly when the pain shocked through. Shoto then grabbed one if my legs and propped it up on his shoulder. My face started to grow red.

"When we first started training Mina taught us different massaging techniques that she used when she was in dance." He said as he applied the oil to his hands. He then started to glide its hands across my thighs, gently applying pressure.

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