A New Start

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4 new WhatsApp notifications...
Ryan - 'I can't believe you've chosen your career over me'
Ryan - 'You'll come back begging, you always do'
Ryan - 'You'll never ever find someone who treats you as good as me'
Ryan - 'You really going to throw away all these years?? Ok slut'

Sophie sighed, turning her phone over and she padded over to the full length mirror in her hallway, observing her reflection.

Not too bad for 30 years old... she thought.

She definitely had a few more lines and wrinkles than the average woman of her age, the past 10 years had been heavy.

Medical school was tough. She was one of the 'older' students when she first enrolled at aged 25. She'd spent the previous 5 years as a nurse on an acute medical ward, but she wanted to further her knowledge and dip her toes into sports medicine. That was her real passion.

Her relationship had seen better days. She had been with Ryan for 10 years, and the last 5 had been hell on earth.
On the outside, it looked perfect, she was his princess.. his Rapunzel, but only when she was locked away at home. Alone.

He was free to do what and who he wanted. He was out most nights doing god knows what. It was easier to stay home, study, keep her head down and more importantly - stay out of Ryan's way when he eventually stumbled home.

It never used to be like this.

Flashback 10 years ago.. aged 20, eyes locked across the bar aka the usual place of blossoming young love. She fell hard. They did everything together. But when she applied to medical school, Sophie had less time for him. He changed. Name calling, spitting, nipping, slapping, pushing, guilt tripping.
But he loved her, so he said.
She always let him back in.

Not this time.

Sophie made a promise to herself. She'd finish at medical school and it would be a fresh start.

Today was the day...
Sophie pulled her navy blue polo shirt over her head and scooped her hair into a smooth ponytail.

Today she started her new role as Sports Medic for Manchester City football club.


Sophie couldn't believe it was finally happening. She drove into the Etihad car park, pulled up, turned off the engine and closed her eyes whilst resting her head back into the chair.

She didn't know how to feel, her stomach resembled a washing machine of nerves, apprehension and excitement.
Would she be good enough?
Will she be respected?

Her phone buzzed again

2 WhatsApp notifications -
Ryan - Good luck for today...
Ryan - Hope it's worth it, bitch.

She quickly deleted the messages, switched off her phone and put it in the glove compartment of her car.

Deep breaths.

Rucksack on her back, Sophie walked across the car park to the sliding glass doors at the back of the stadium. A black Range Rover hovered at the entrance and out jumped a man in a crisp white tracksuit, black cap slung backwards teamed with a socks and sliders combination.

She paused to let him walk in front of her, so used to letting Ryan lead the way.
So used to having to step back, to be seen and not heard.

The figure smiled at her sleepily
'Morning luv, keep going y'alright'
He gestured for her to keep waking in front of him.

Birmingham accent, nice.

'Thank you' Sophie said softly, she couldn't stop looking at his hazel eyes and ever so slightly pouty lips... who the hell looked this good in the morning?
She must have been still and silent for a good few seconds as it prompted the man to ask if she was okay.

'Uh oh yes, sorry, it's my first day here... I'm the teams new medic' Sophie stumbled

'Nah way! Thought you didn't look familiar. I'd have deffo remembered a face like yours'

A cheeky smile flashed across his face, showing off his perfectly imperfect white teeth. Sophie felt her cheeks flushing, making him smirked.

'Well, no doubt I'll be seeing youse around. Most fouled player ya know!'

Sophie laughed and mentally kicked herself for not paying more attention in the past to WHO was actually playing football.
Saying that, Ryan knew her interest in sports but still didn't like or want her watching the football. He said she shouldn't need to look at other men when she had him.

'I'm Jack by the way, Jack Grealish' the man said, breaking her from the cloud of memories.
She smiled coyly at him and replied, 'nice to meet you, I'm Sophie'.

'Ah lovely, anyways I better get movin' it's always me that's late' and with that he gave her a wink and walked inside, his sliders making that unforgivable shuffling sound.

What an aura that man radiated.

Jack Grealish.
She'd certainly have to remember that one.

Sophie smiled to herself and entered the stadium, ready to meet her colleagues.

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