Given The Chance

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'Gleaming, Twinkling.
Eyes like sinking ships,
On waters so inviting,
I almost jump in.'

Jack climbed into the corner of the booth and patted the seat next to him, Sophie obliged, she grabbed her drink and took a sip.. the vodka trickled down her throat, sparking a fuzzy warmth.

'So how's ya first week been then? I've been tryin' to catch you but ya hard to pin down' Jack laughed

'Hmm you've obviously not been trying hard enough Grealish'

'Oh to be given the chance...'

Jack angled his body towards her, she mirrored him. God she was drunk and he was so endearing, so charming. This was fast paced.

Sophie shuffled up closer to him and filled him in on her first week, her life, her job, her family. Everything but Ryan. He didn't need to know about him.
Jack did the same, he opened up about moving to City and missing his family back home in Birmingham. She felt comfortable around him.

'I dunno what it is y'know, but I feel like I could talk to ya all night. You make it so easy'

Bingo. Play it cool.

'Jack, I'm a doctor, it's embedded in me to be good around people'

'Nah, surely you get me?' He rested his head back into the booth, looking at Sophie, blearily eyed.

She nodded and downed the remains of her drink. She wanted more of this man.

Jack glanced around, the remainder of the team were either dancing or propping up the bar. He angled his body away from view.

His gorgeous, freckly and slightly sweaty face was inches away from Sophie's. He couldn't keep his eyes off her lips. Those red lips. Her luscious dark hair fell perfectly over her shoulders, he lifted his hand and placed his index finger under her chin, lifting her face up to him.

Sophie let him take the lead as she met his plump lips with hers, he tasted of tequila and peppermint. Her hands automatically placed on his thigh and he felt him tense them as she kissed him back. Those magnificent legs felt rock solid under his black ripped jeans.

They kissed for what felt like minutes and pulled back to look at each other, both smiling. Sophie felt an almost painful throb in her core that she'd not felt in years, if ever.

'Jack. I need you.' She squeezed his thigh and right there and then, she could have sworn he witnessed his eyes turn dark with hunger.

'Nah I can't stay here with you looking like this and saying all this kinda stuff, you're coming back to mine. You go first and wait for me at the back door. I'll get the car driven round to get you.'

Sophie bit her lip, she noticed him glance down at her mouth and back up again.
'Please' he sighed
She obliged, no one seemed to notice her leave. All too drunk and taking part in some questionable dancing.


She quickly ordered herself a tequila at the bar and swallowed it with a bite of lime to follow, she paced over to the back door and waited patiently for Jack.

Once outside, Sophie leaned against the brick wall, nerves creeping in, butterflies thrashing all around her body. She hoped that last tequila would settle her down.

A black Mercedes came to a halt in front of her and the back window rolled down slightly, he waved his arm out, she walked over and the door flung open. Sophie climbed in, pulling the door shut as she did.

You could cut the sexual tension with a knife, the air was foggy with lust, Jack hadn't taken his eyes off her throughout the whole journey. His hand interlinked with hers, large thumb stroking her knuckles. Something so simple, yet so effective at making her feel school girl giddy.

They were driven into an underground private car park, once the car stopped, Jack handed the driver a roll of notes, presumably in exchange for his silence, the driver nodded and he came round to open her door.

Sophie walked around the back of the car, she placed her hand on the cold metal to steady herself and Jack had his arm outstretched waiting, she grabbed his hand and they hurriedly walked to the buildings lift.

Again, Jack said nothing, but he didn't take his eyes off her, she studied his face.
He was carved by the gods.
Sculpted jawline, perfect length of stubble, those ever so pouty cushiony lips, masculine but perfectly shaped nose.
His eyes. Oh his eyes. Gleaming pools of Hazel, so luscious and inviting, she felt she could jump straight into them.

The lift doors snapped open and they both walked in. Jack punched the '19' button and turned around to face Sophie. She couldn't take this much longer.

She placed her fingertips on his shoulders and pushed him against the mirrored lift wall. His hands gripped her waist. Chocolate eyes still focused on her. Sophie held either side of Jack's face and pulled him into her, lips hungrily on his, his arms roaming her back. Her hands found his hair and she ran her fingers through it, Jack groaned ever so slightly and he nestled into her neck, kissing the delicate skin around her throat, Sophie appreciatively hummed.

The lift doors opened. Jack wasted no time in guiding her to the large door, it seemed to be the only one on the floor.

Penthouse apartment. Nice.

He grabbed his key fob from his back pocket and let them in. Sophie bit her bottom lip and looked over at Jack, who still had the same hungry, animalistic look on his face.
His hand still gripped hers as they walked in.

God, she needed this.

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