Up To The Stars

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Thump, thump, thump.

Sophie felt her head pounding before she even fully awoke from her slumber. She slowly opened one eye into a squint, not recognising her surroundings until both eyes were fully opened and functioning.

She sat upright with her arms behind her and glanced around at the bedroom, it was pristine, all whites and greys. Sophie noticed signs of individuality scattered around the room and her eyes settled on the bedside table next to her, two black elastic hair bands and next to them a note saying;

'help yourself to anything, I'll be back after 12 with lunch. J.'

She remembered the following night with a thud, not being able to pin point the last time she enjoyed sex so much.

The clawing, grabbing, kissing, fucking. No feelings, no self consciousness, just pure animalistic attraction.

Her body ached and fingertip bruises started to form on her thighs, hips and boobs from where Jack kneaded her soft skin.

It was so different from what she had with Ryan.

Oh god Ryan.
Where was her phone?

Sophie put on a white T-shirt of Jacks, which she found a folded at the bottom of the bed, whether he left it there for her or not, and softly padded into the open plan kitchen / living area. She located her handbag, which was flung on the sofa from the night before and unlocked her phone.

*12 missed calls from: Kate (work)*

*7 unread messages from: Kate (work)*

Kate: 'Wherrree are you?'

'Going home with Harry pls let me know ur safe'

'In a taxi baaabe pick up phone'

'Ok either you're getting railed or your in a ditch'

'Hope it's option 1...'

'Ok deffo option 1'

'Night night I'm super drunk and off to get MINE'

Sophie smiled to herself and tapped a quick reply to Kate, 'all safe Kate, I drank too much and did a back door exit into an Uber straight home'.

Now to her emails.
15 unread emails.
All from Ryan.
Her stomach leaped up into her mouth and she felt her eyes start to water.

The first one read, 'I'm going to give you benefit of the doubt... and hope that your phone has died'
Then came, 'my mistake, you've blocked my number, now why would my pretty girl do such a thing?'
'What a shame this is.. I thought you would want to decompress and come fill me in about your first week'
'Slut. You're nothing without me'
The next 11 emails were of a similar theme.

Her tears flowed steadily down her face and blotted onto Jack's t-shirt. The peering sunshine caught her eye.. blue skies and the Manchester skyline spread out across the wide floor to ceiling windows, it really was gorgeous.

She walked over and fondly traced her fingertips over the smudged prints on the glass, whilst the memories of the night before ran through mind at an extraordinary pace.

Tears still trickling down her face, she sank to the floor in-front of the window and tucked her knees  under her chin, wrapping her arms around her legs.

Why did she feel so torn?

Guilty for enjoying last night, for putting herself first, for having the nerve to look at another man.

Ryan embedded these thoughts so deep, that the roots twisted around her bones.

She glanced up at the clock, 11.58am.
Jack would be back at any moment.
He didn't sign up for this.

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