The Aftermath

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'I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush.
Everybody wants you,
But I don't like a gold rush.'

Ryan couldn't quite believe how easy it had been.

He'd managed to book a room at the Hilton hotel attached to St George's Park, and the young (and clearly incapable) receptionist was oh-so-helpful and accommodating to the medics boyfriend.

She'd willingly changed his room location so it was next door to Sophie's and he issued her strict instructions that not to a word was to be uttered to Sophie, because of course, he wanted to surprise her for 'their anniversary'.

Ryan went up to locate his room, he knew the match had just finished so it would be a good few hours before she finally got back here.
He was in no rush, he'd sit back and wait.
Slow and steady wins the race after all.

She would take him back, he just knew it. Sophie would see the effort he had put in just to be near her and she would almost certainly be flattered. He would prove once and for all how much he adored her.


Sophie had managed to arrange a car to take her back to SGP, she was thankful to finally be in the quiet and confined space of the back seat. Her sleepy eyes were fixed on her phone screen, but thanks to the pure exhaustion and humiliation of the day, she wasn't really taking anything in. The lights were on, but she was most definitely not home.

Jack's messages flashed up, one after the other and notifications of missed calls.
She didn't want to hear or see any of it, she just wanted to get back to her room, rest and concentrate on the real reason why she was here, it was essential she went back to Man City with nothing but praise from Gareth Southgate.

J.S - Hey, let me know when you're back at SGP. Gareth will check in with u later. I won't mention anything about today unless you want me to. X

She'd made a good and genuine friend in John. He lived a mostly quiet life away from his football duties, he had a child.. a little girl who was the apple of his eye. From what he'd told Sophie, he had a nice co-parenting relationship with his daughters mum.
John was kind, reliable, respectful and low-key hilarious, it almost made her wish it was him she'd laid eyes on first.

It all seemed like a lifetime ago, when she'd watched on as Jack got out of the car and shuffled towards the Etihad doors in that god awful tracksuit that he'd teamed socks and sliders.
John would never, ever, make such tragic fashion decisions.
She somehow mustered an internal smile as she replied to his text.

S - Thanks for checking in, I'll be okay. Just in the car.. Hope the atmosphere isn't too bad there x

J.S - He's tried to speak to me a few times, he knows not to push me much more. Concentrate on yourself Soph, forget him for now x

S - I wish I could. Speak later x

She put her phone on aeroplane mode and allowed her body to sink into the comfy leather seats. It would be another hour or two before she would get back, her vision became hazy and her eyelids began to droop heavily, sleep was fast approaching and she welcomed it.


There was no other word to describe how Jack felt.

Why had he been so stupid? Everyone always referred to him as 'thick as pig shit', maybe they were right. This was not normal behaviour.

Who else would throw away that pure, rare connection he had with Sophie?
That bond between them had taken time, they nurtured it and kept it safe, until it finally blossomed. People search a lifetime for that and still never find it.

What an idiot.

Millie had made a quick getaway, fuck knows where she went. He didn't care.
He wished he could turn back time, and for once, just once, not think with the end of his dick.

The gaffer came in following the end of the match and boy.. he was not happy. Gareth just kept saying over and over how disappointed he was in Jack, and likened his reaction to being subbed like a toddler who had been denied chocolate.
He had apologised through gritted teeth, but he was also very aware that at this point Gareth didn't actually know the full story.

Seeing Stonesy's disappointed face and watching him take Sophie away was hard, but being face to face with Kate following the uproar was something he began to dread. He prepared himself for the barrage of shit she was about to unleash upon him.

It was an hour after the game, they'd had the post match team talk, his grilling from Southgate and now Kate was dragging him into a spare therapy room to 'speak about any post match niggles' before they set off back to SGP.

He sat himself down on the bed and Kate locked the door behind them.

'I guess I'm not here for an actual post match assessment from my coach then, no?' Jack groaned.

Kate stood, arms crossed, foot tapping, clearly furious, 'Bingo. Want to tell me why Soph has left me with 4 lengthy voice notes, implying she found you with Millie's gob around your bellend?'

He shuddered at the bluntness of her words.
But she was right.

'Kate... yeh... no I'
He was mumbling again. Who even was he?

'It either was or it wasn't Jack', She sighed heavily, her voice now louder, firmer.

'YES... yes. But it wasn't what I intended, it all just happened so quick..'

He clawed his fingers through his hair again as he told her everything. She listened and her eyes did look softer following his explanation, but she was still angry and in protective mode for her friend.
He understood. He was a loyal friend. He'd take a bullet for his loved ones.

'I can't believe how stupid you've been Jack, that girl has been through enough. But you knew that didn't you?'

'I love her ya know, I've wanted to tell her for a few days now..', He hung his head.

Kate sighed as she sat herself down next to him, 'I'm certain she feels the same, or felt the same. Give it time.. she might not want anything to do with you but the best thing you can do is give her space.'

Jack felt her arm comfort tap his mid-back, before standing herself back up, 'Now piss off and get sorted for the coach back'. He wasn't sure if she was being off with him still, but when he looked up she had the faintest hints of a smile, he took that as a good sign.

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