Chapter ♡ 13

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Nasir’s POV

Sitting in my living room, I couldn’t help but wonder about my interaction with Monae yesterday. For the last month, she has been acting strangely. She rarely interacted with me when she came to the office and she wasn’t her carefree, flirty self. I know I told her it was best if we remained professional but damn, I didn’t think she would have made it her mission to avoid me.

When I went to her office instead of Madison, I thought she would have at least been somewhat relaxed in her territory but she seemed even more on edge. As is stood observing her, I had noticed how tired she looked.

Was catering for the event making her exhausted?

Finally building the courage I had asked if she was ok but that went a whole different direction. I wanted to let her know how sorry I was about bringing up her seeing my mom but I doubt she would want me showing up at her place. Besides if she is dating Cairo Knight, I really should keep my distance. I would hate to have to deal with him.

“Damn, Nas, why every time I come in here you always moping around” Amara walked in laughing.

“Then don’t come mar” I rolled my eyes.

“What’s up bro, more Annalise, and Isla drama?”

“Nah, I haven’t seen or heard from either of them in a while, which is sus if you ask me,” I told her. It was true, neither of them left me alone for so long.

“Probably plotting like the crazy b**ches they are but anyhoo, who has you so...” she motioned me up and down.

“No one” I mumbled

“Oh. My. Goshhh, it’s a woman? Who is it?” she squealed and I groaned, between her and our mother I'll be deaf soon.

“It’s not like that Mar, I just said something f**ked up to Monae, and I was thinking about going to her place to apologize properly”

“Monae?” she thought out loud before her eyes widened “The fine ass baker? You like her.

“I don’t like her Mar, at least not like that”

Yea, keep telling yourself that.

“Ok bro, keep telling yourself that” she smirked.

“Yo, you gonna give advice or not?”

“Damn, don’t get upset with me because you’re afraid to tell sis you feeling her. Look, Nasir, I know what Isla did was f**ked up but not everybody out there on bs. So if you like her, tell her and see how it goes. If she doesn’t feel the same way then keep it moving” she shrugged.

“All I wanted to know was if to go over there and apologize or not bubbles” I smirked knowing she hated the nickname.

“F**k you Nasir, you know I hate that name. She should slam the door on your ass” she growled getting up walking away.

“Love you too Mara” I laughed picking up my keys and heading out.

Monae’s Apartment

Pulling up in front of the apartment complex, the first thing I noticed was the two men standing at the entrance with their eyes focused on my car.

They weren’t from around here.

Getting out, I walked up to the door as one of them pulled out his phone, walking past  I entered and went to the elevator. When I came out of the elevator I saw a guy standing near her door.

She got the president here or some?

As I approached, the guy stepped aside and the door opened revealing Giovani Costa and I raised my eyebrows.

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