Chapter ♡ 29

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Monae's POV

A familiar beeping sound in my ears and the smell of antiseptic made me aware of where I was. Opening my eyes, I sat up slowly and the pain in my side reminded me of what had happened.

"It's ok, beautiful. Everything is going to be ok, I got you"

I cringed at the memory of Nicholas's words to me.

Oh God, did he take me to another country?

At the thought my body went into panic mode and I flew off the bed heading for the door, just as I was about to reach it a man came in causing me to stop in my tracks.

"Where are you going? You shouldn't be out of bed" he spoke coming towards me and I took a step back which made him stop. "I'm not going to hurt you, my fiancé is Nasir's sister, she asked me to keep an eye on you, so some guy didn't take you but now everyone is out there with guns and the guy that brought you here is holding her hostage" he rushed out pacing in front of me.

Amara? Does that mean I'm back in L.A?.... wait did he say guns?

My legs were moving before I could even process it as I rushed out the room in search of them with the guy hot on my trail. Hearing voices coming from around the corner, I approached the area and my heart dropped at the sight. Nasir stood in front of me with a gun on him, Amara was across the room being held by Nicholas, and Gio had a gun on him. Nicholas began rambling about something then raised the gun to Amara's head with his finger on the trigger.

"Stop!!!" I screamed as I rushed forward gaining everyone's attention. The next few seconds happened so fast; I didn't even register what happened. I heard two shots go off as Nicholas fell to the ground clutching his arm with Gio's gun pointed at him, Amara scrambling away, and the man that was pointing the gun at Nasir was dead. Spinning around, I was shocked to see Ivan standing there.

"Good to see you're doing well Monae" he smirked at me, and both my shoulders and legs sagged in relief but and I felt the burning in my side as the adrenaline began to wear off, thankfully Ivan caught me before I hit the ground "I guess not so well then" he spoke looking down at me and I gave him a half smile.

Gio's POV

Casting a quick glance over at Ivan, I ran my eyes over Monae to make sure she was ok as the nurses collected her before focuses my attention back on Leka.

"I did say you were going to leave here in a body bag" I told him raising the gun again and he started laughing.

"Aren't you a bit curious why daddy dearest took your whore and why I was there? I know it's bugging you to know isn't it Giovanni Junior" he smirked, and I shoved the gun up against his neck.

"Call her that again and they'll be wiping you off these fvcking walls" I growled.

"Awfully touchy about someone else's woman aren't ya" he chuckled, and I pushed the gun further against him, he was beginning to irritate the hell out of me. "Fine, fine. Let's just say you weren't the only one she was spreading her legs for hence your little brother is running around somewhere out there so Giovanni wanted me to find him".

I recoiled at his words as King and Ivan approached us.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I glared at him.

"I know you're a smart man Costa" he rolled his eyes "Your father was fucking your woman, she got pregnant, made you think it was yours, he tried to kill it, the end".

"What?" I heard someone mutter from beside me, but my mind was racing.

Is that why she left? To hide this?

I gripped the gun in my hand wanting so badly to kill this mother**ker where he sat "Take him back to the house" I ordered before walking out the hospital.

Nasir's POV

"Someone is upsettt" the guy sang as Ivan two of Costa's men roughly grabbed him off the floor and took him out while others collected the other dead body.

Turning to face Ivan, I motioned in his bosses direction "Aren't you going to go after him?"

"And get shot for leaving Monae unprotected? I'm good. He just need to cool his head, he'll be back".

"He looks pissed, but then again I would be too if I found out the woman I loved give birth to my son or brother and kept it a secret" I spoke looking in the direction of Monae's room.

What more secrets are you hiding Mo?

Turning my attention to Amara, I approached her once again "Are you sure you're ok Mar?"

"For the hundredth time, yes Nasir, just a bit shook up" she smiled up at me.

"I'm sorry you got involved in this" I shook my head looking around as everyone continued working like nothing happened. I guess when the person involved is in the mafia people tend to mind their business.

"I chose to stay Nas, it's ok. Go check on her, I know you want to" she smirked causing me to chuckle.

"I'm going" I told her before heading to Mo's room. Opening the door, I entered the room to see her sitting up with up with Ma'ryah clinging to her side crying loudly.

"Mo, I thought I would have never seen you again" she balled dramatically as Monae just rubbed her back shaking her head causing me to laugh.

"What's so funny King?" she turned to me with a glare and I raised my hands in surrender shaking my head "Oh, that's what I thought" she said returning to her dramatic cries before Ivan grabbed her by her waist and took her out the room protesting.

Approaching the bed, I pulled the chair closer and sat down taking Mo's hand in mine.

"How are you?" I asked her

"Thankful to be alive, all I thought about was getting back to you" she smiled.

"And all I thought about was getting you" I told her kissing her hand "Is there anymore crazy guys I have to help save you from?" I asked jokingly causing her to laugh.

"God, I hope not" she stated seriously, and we sat there in silence for a few seconds.

"I love you Monae" I said after a while, holding her hands tighter as she stared at me.

"I love you too, Nasir" she beamed leaning in for a kiss just as the door opened and there stood Costa with is usually cold expression, but this was the first time I've seen it directed at Mo and I felt her grip on my hand tightened.

"We need to talk Monae"

Till next time, thank you for reading 😊.

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