Chapter ♡ 15

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Monae's POV

*Beep beep beep*

The sound of an alarm woke me out of my sleep as I reached to turn it off but the arm tightening around my waist made me freeze.

"Stay" the sleepy voice mumbled and I flew up from the bed clutching the sheet to my chest as I stared down at Nasir.

"What the hell Nasir?!!" I exclaimed looking around the room only to realize it wasn't mine "Where the f**k am I?".

Sitting up in the bed he clutched his head looking around before his eyes landed on me.

"F**kkk" he groaned out "It's not what you think Nae" he focused on me.

"Don't call me that!!" I growled out as I began looking for my clothing. I still had on my underwear, so I don't think we had sex, glancing at him, he was just observing me "What?" I asked as he just shook his head before getting up and going into a closet and coming back with my clothing in his hands.

"You threw up on it and me, so I had to change you out of it" he stated as his eyes swept over my frame "and we didn't f**k, trust me you would have known if we did" he smirked before sitting back on the bed while I stood there with a horrified look on my face.

"What? How did I even get here, I remember Kai taking me home, and then I was drinking but anything after that was a blur" I saw his jaw clench at the mention of Kai.

"Is he the next one of your lil boyfriends?" he questioned, and I raised my brows with a smirk as I slipped on my dress.

"Are you going to tell me how I got here or not King?" I asked purposely ignoring his question as he glared at me.

"I don't know, I can't remember. You should ask Kai ?" he rolled his eyes and I laughed at his antics.

"Are you for real?" I giggled, "He's an ex, that's all" I smiled at his jealousy. "Are you going to tell me now, or you're not done being petty?"

"I don't know how you got my address but after the opening, I came home, and about 30 minutes after you showed up drunk" he sighed "Do you know how dangerous that was Monae? What if you had hit someone or gotten into an accident?" he reprimanded, and I felt bad.

"I'm sorry, that was reckless of me" I sighed going and sit near him on the bed "I guess after Kai dropped me home, I started drinking".

"How do you know Isla?" we both asked simultaneously.

"She was my sister-in-law" I answered playing with my hands "How do you know her?".

"She's my ex-wife" he replied, and I froze.

Does he know Him? Of course, he does, she was his wife.

Did he have a hand in helping Him disappear?

Did he know about me all the time and pretended he didn't? But we never met before. Was he going to help Him get me?

My mind began racing as I tried to control my breathing, but it wasn't working, and Nasir must have realized something was wrong because he was in front of me in an instant.

"Monae? breathe, what's wrong?" he reached out for me, and I flinched away shuffling up on the bed as my heart began racing.

"Don't touch me! You're going to take me back to him!" I exclaimed wrapping my arms around myself rocking back and forth on the bed as my vision got hazy.

"Monae, I'm not going to hurt you or take you to anyone just focus on my voice and try to calm down" I heard his voice, but my eyes widened as I saw Him standing at the door and a blood-curdling scream left me before everything went black.

Nasir's POV

"Monae, I'm not going to hurt you or take you to anyone just focus on my voice and try to calm down" I tried to get her to relax but she let out a terrified scream before passing out and I spun around to see what she saw but no one was there.

Rushing to her, I pulled her to my chest and could feel her heart racing. "F**k, Monae, what did he do to you?". Pulling out my phone I dialed my mom's number.

"Hi honey" she answered on the second ring

"Mom can you come over to my place, Monae is here, and she just had a panic attack"

"What the hell did you do Nasir? Never mind, I'm already outside"

"Wha-" she cut off before I could even answer.

"Nasir Elijah King! If you did anything to my baby I'll beat your ass" she threatened as she entered the bedroom "What happened?"

"I told her Isla was my ex-wife and she just freaked out" I sighed as I laid her comfortably on the bed.

"Oh my" she frowned "Do you remember Isla's brother Amir?"

"Yea and I never liked his ass" I answered slipping on a t-shirt.

"He was Monae's ex" she sighed "I shouldn't even be telling you this Nas because it's patient confidentiality but after Isla said he's looking for her, I know she'll need someone in her corner" she stated, and I listened quietly.

"Let's just say he was very abusive and the day she got away was when he had tried to kill her" she looked at me with tears in her eyes, I know there was more, but she didn't want to betray Monae like that.

Was that the day he showed up at the house covered in blood?

"Ma, I think I helped Isla hide her brother? I glanced at Monae's unconscious form.

"W-what?" she stuttered with wide eyes.

"He had shown up at the house covered in blood talking about how he got into it with some guys and wanted to lay low, Isla had asked for the money, and I gave her. I never saw him back after that day".

"Nasir" she whispered placing her hand on her chest "Did you know if she kept in contact with him?"

"I asked a few times, but she said he never called her but now that I think about it she must have been lying" I frustratedly pulled at my hair.

"We'll figure out what to do baby" she stated pulling me into a hug "but we'll have to tell Monae" she sighed as she let go.

"Tell me what?" the groggy voice mumbled, and I froze briefly before spinning around as she slowly sat up.

Till next time, thank you for reading 😊 

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