Chapter ♡ 26

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Ryah's Pov

"Are you going to follow me around everywhere?" I rolled my eyes before turning to look at him only to be met with that stupid smirk on his face.

"You didn't seem to mind my presence last night, lyubov (love)" he stated, and my eyes widened.

"That was a mistake!! I was drunk, ok!!"I exclaimed as my face heated up.

"If that sleeps you at night, lyubov" he shrugged smiling at me.

"The saying is if that helps you sleep at night" I rolled my eyes "And what is lyubov?" I asked trying to pronoun the word "You keep saying it, you better not be cursing me" I narrowed my eyes at him which caused him to laugh.

"How cute" he chuckled placing a kiss on my forehead before walking out the kitchen. Ughhh, he'll send my pressure through the roof.

Heading to the cupboards, I began taking out the pots before a buzzing sound caught my attention. Turning around I saw his phone on the counter, shaking my head I picked it up to go give but the call connected.

The fvck?


"Ryah?" the familiar voice asked, and I felt my heart sped up.


"Wha-" she started but then her line went silent, and I began to panic.

"Hello? Mo, are you still there?" I guess my shouting alerted Ivan because he rushed in the kitchen.

"What's wrong" he asked looking at the phone in my hand.

"It's Monae, but I'm not hearing her anymore" I told him as tears came to my eyes.

"It's ok, put it on speaker" he told me, and I did what he said.

"Monae?" he spoke and still no answer, I had to make sure the call was still connected. After a few seconds we began hearing shuffling in the background before she finally came back.

"Ry?" she whispered into the phone.

"I'm here Mo, Ivan is here too" I told her.

"I don't have much time, someone is coming. I'm in Giovanni's childhood home, I don't know how much longer I'll be here if they find out I got on to you guys. I love you Ry" she rushed out before the call disconnected and I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Y-you guys are going to find her right?" I asked, and he pulled me into a hug.

"I'll bring her back, even if it's the last thing I do".

Monae's Pov

Muting the call, I listened to hear if the footsteps where coming here but it walked pass my door. Sighing in relief, I unmuted the call hoping she was still there.

"Ry?" I whispered into the phone.

"I'm here Mo, Ivan is here too" she said, and I couldn't have been any happier.

"I don't have much time, someone is coming. I'm in Giovanni's childhood home, I don't know how much longer I'll be here if they find out I got on to you guys. I love you Ry" I rushed out quickly as I heard another set of footsteps. Immediately deleting the numbers I used from the call logs, I wiped the phone off on my shirt and placed it back in his pockets.

Taking off my pajama pants, I placed it near him and then scooted further up the bed as the door handle began turning.

You can do this Mo

"What the fvck, Angelo!!" the person exclaimed glancing between me and the body before he pulled out his gun and my eyes widened.

"You b!tch, what did you do to my brother?" he asked as he checked the body "You fvcking killed him" he pointed the gun at me with a crazed look in his eyes.

"What are you doing Luca?" a voiced asked from behind him but he just kept his eyes on me.

"She killed him" was all he said as Giovanni stepped into the room and took in everything that was happening.

"Tsk, tsk tsk, what did you do bella?" he looked at me with a glint in his eyes, "I didn't think you had it in you" he smirked.

"He attacked me" I whispered.

"Stop lying! He wouldn't do that!!" the guy exclaimed, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"That's enough Luca, leave" Giovanni ordered.

"What? But she-" he started.

"I said leave!!" Giovanni barked causing me to jump but Luca remained un-phased as he lowered the gun shaking his head, and I let out a sigh of relief but that was short lived as he raised the gun again.

"Fvck it!!!" he exclaimed before pulling the trigger.


Till next time, thank you for reading.😊

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