Chapter ♡ 17

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A week later

Nasir's POV

"Mr. King, Monae is here to see you" Madison stated over the intercom.

"Thanks Madison, let her in" I responded and a few seconds later they both entered.

"Here you go sir" Madison handed me the file with a flustered look before glancing at Monae who wore a smirk before she left the room.

"Are you going to tease my assistant every time you come here?" I raised my brows as she took the seat in front of me.

"Yes" she crossed her legs, and my eyes was drawn to the smooth flesh that peaked out briefly "Seeing that flustered look on her face gives me great pleasure" she beamed at me, and I let out a chuckle as I shook my head.

"To what do I owe this visit? You've been avoiding my calls a week now"

"Yea, I'm sorry about that I just needed to getaway to clear my head and I did let Mama D know I was ok with everything" she sighed out "But that's not exactly why I'm here, I found this in my mail when I got back" she pulled a yellow folder out her bag handing it to me.

Opening the folder my eyes widened at the compromising pictures inside of what is supposed to be me and Monae and the name on one of the pictures had Anna.

"F**k" I threw down the pictures looking at her "I'm sorry Monae, I'll sort it out."

"Damn, Nasir I can't remember us f**king" she smirked at me "But I assume, this Anna is a friend of yours?"

"She was my previous assistant, and shit got complicated. Now she's hell bent on ruining my life".

"You guys slept together?"

"No!!.. I mean no, she just mistook my kindness for something else" I shook my head and she nodded in understanding.

"And how do I fit into whatever psychotic shit she has going on?"

"I'm guessing it's from me defending you at the opening, she probably thinks we have something going on" I muttered the last part as I glanced at her.

"Is she dangerous?"

"I honestly don't know; her actions have been getting more erratic, but she haven't hurt anyone as yet. I'm not going to let her hurt you Monae, I just want her to get the help she needs" I sighed closing my eyes and running my hand down my face. I can't be dealing with all this shit. I tensed at the feel of hands on my shoulder as my eyes snapped open and Monae was no longer in front of me.

"Relax" she whispered near my ear and my body instantly relaxed as she began massaging my shoulders. "Are you always this tense?"

"Well when you have to be dealing with crazy women and running a chain of hotels, there isn't much relaxation" I stated.

"I can deal with your Anna situation if you'd like" I gripped her hands to stop her movements as I spun around in the chair to face her, and she raised her eyebrows in question.

"I don't want her dead Monae" I told her seriously and she nodded.

"I understand, but if she becomes a threat to me I'm not responsible for what Gio does" she shrugged as she looked down at our intertwined hands.

"He's married" I pulled her closer to me.

"Yes" she answered.

"He still loves you"

"Yes" she was now between my parted legs "Do you still love him?"

"Do you still love Isla" she countered

"Part of me always will" I told her honestly.

"And part of me will always love Gio, but he is my past and we've both moved on". That was all I wanted to hear before I pulled her onto my lap, caressing her cheeks my eyes drifted to her lips as her tongue snuck out to wet them.


"May I?" I asked, my eyes still focused on her parted lips.

"Yes" she whispered, and I connected our lips in a soft kiss before pulling back to see if she was ok, her eyes were closed, and a small smile was on her lips so I went back in for another kiss this time more passionately as her arms warmed around my neck and she returned it with the same vigor.

"Mr. King!!" Madison's frantic voice rang through the intercom causing us to pull apart as Monae flew off my lap to fix her clothing.

"Madison is something wrong?"

"Annalise is-" she was cut off by my door opening and Annalise storming in.

"What do you want now Annalise?" I went and stood in front of her as Monae sat in my seat.

"I see your wh**e got my letter?" she smirked looking at Monae who didn't seem fazed.

"Watch how you're talking to her, say what you have to and get the f**k out" I gritted out.

"I want her to leave you alone or those pictures getting leaked would be the least of her problems"

"Is that a threat?" Monae asked from behind me "because I can get you handled you crazy b***h".

"I'm not crazy!!" Annalise exclaimed stomping her foot like a child.

Nah, you mad as f**k ma.

I thought to myself as she stood there glaring at Mo. "Look Annalise this has gone on long enough, just stop this shit and get help. I don't want you and I've never wanted you so get that through your head and stop f**king with my business"

"Period" Mo added, and I resisted the urge to laugh as Annalise's face got red before she stormed out.

"Damn Nasir, you really know how to pick em"

"Tell me about it" I chuckled as I made my way to her and sat at the edge of the desk just observing her.

"What?" she asked after a few seconds of me staring.

"Let me take you out tonight" I told her taking her hands in mine.

"No" she stated getting up out the chair and heading for her bag.

"W-wait, what, why not?" I stuttered out as she collected her things before turning to me with a smirk.

"I'm just kidding, tonight at 7?"

"Yea" I smiled

"See you later, Mr. King" she winked before walking out.

Tillnext time, thank you for reading 😊

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