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izuku didn't jump. he couldn't. his mom would be worried if he didn't come back for dinner. and izuku hadn't left a note or anything. and besides, if he had, kachaans future would be at risk. he didn't want to hurt kachaans future just because his future wouldn't work out. that would be selfish of him.

he gripped his backpack tightly. he was passing his middle school. though it had ended a while ago, izuku didn't want to risk the possibility of running into a classmate. he pulled a hoodie out of his backpack and quickly put it on, flipping the hood to cover his face.

he stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked a little faster than he needed to.

izuku decided to take a shortcut through some alleys to get home faster, he didn't want to worry mom. his shoes crunched on broken glass but he ignored it, trying to recount the last couple of hours to make sense.

he had been attacked by some sort of sludge villain, all might had saved him. all might had given him his autograph. izuku has clung to him to a roof, and asked if he could be a hero. all might had-

izuku snapped out of his thoughts when he heard yelling coming from a nearby alley. he turned his head, there, was a guy with a bat, threatening a guy who was strikingly smaller than him.

"jusf hand over your wallet kid!" the man with the bat yelled. "i don't want to have to hurt you but if you don't comply i'm gonna have to- ARGH"

izuku didn't know what he had done, one minute he was watching a mugging (?) and the next he had thrown a rock at the guys back. it wasn't a big rock, kind of medium sized.

the guy turned to face him, rage clear in his eyes. "the hell?" izuku freezes. what can he do? he couldn't do anything, he was just a useless deku, he wasn't made to fight. he couldn't do anything. he was going to die here and-

no. izuku looked at the victim, their eyes flickers between both the attacker and izuku, and towards the exit. izuku couldn't just let them be hurt, even if he was weak he could maybe cause a distraction long enough for them to get help.

he picks up another rock, and the guy glares at him, readying his bat.

he was going to regret this. 

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