Hinder Your Future

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"Bakugo..." the Principal took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "You cant just-" a sigh, "you cant just... get into fights whenever you see fit, kiddo." Bakugo felt his face contort into a grimace at the pet name. "Luckily," the Principal slapped his knees with both of his hands. "This has been a one time thing. Now, normally you would get detention, but seeing as this is a first time thing I decided against it. I trust you not to get into any more fights with your classmates, Bakugo." Katsuki resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "And about the other kid... we'll sort something out so they don't press charges. We wouldn't want to hinder your future at U.A. now would we, kiddo?" he laughed lightly, this bastard, Katsuki clicked his tongue.

"No sir," he forced out a bit too sarcastically, "we wouldn't." Katsuki's eyes narrowed as the man nodded. If he had noticed Katsuki's tone he didn't address it. "It won't happen again." he added and the Principal let out a relieved smile while fixing his glasses back onto his face.

"I'm sure it wont." his smile grew wider (which annoyed Katsuki to no end) and he stood up to pat the boy on the shoulder, making Katsuki tense at the sudden touch. He could feel his palms itching to go off a the bastard for laying a hand on him, but he decided against assaulting the principal of his school.

Katsuki stood up quickly after he released his hand, and the most uncomfortable chair in the world scratched against the ugly wooden floor. "See you soon, Bakugo." the Principal called as the blond slammed the door behind him and stomped down the hall towards his homeroom. Despite everything, Katsuki wasn't mad. Annoyed? Sure. Mad? He felt like he didn't have the energy to feel mad. Now, all he felt was tired and a little ticked off.

First off in his shitty week, stupid Deku pushes him to his possible fucking limit, thinking that him, a quirkless weakling can get into U.A.? What a joke! The fucker would probably die trying to pass the entrance exam and leave poor Mrs. Midoriya sobbing over his fucking ugly ass. Katuski rolled his eyes at the mental image and kept walking. Who did Deku think he was? Did he actually think he was better than him? Did he actually think he could be like Katuski? Great? Powerful? Strong? There was no way, because no one thought that they were better than him. The only person Katuski could call better than his was All FUCKING Might, the number one hero and his fucking idol. The same idol he was going to fucking beat when he got into U.A.!

But no, Katuski was sure Deku didn't think he was better than him. Because he wasn't. No way would he would dare because the green fucker practically idolized him as much as he did All Might, and it annoyed and creeped the shit out of him. All Katsuki's life, he had idolized him. Shitty Deku yelling for him, telling him how awesome he was and how he would be his sidekick when he got his quirk. (How well did that work out?) Izuku had been there since day one, calling him in his whiney ass girl voice. "Wah! Kacchan is so cool!" "Your quirk is amazing, Kacchan!" "Kacchan, wait up!" "Kacchan, are you ok?" "Kacchan, Kacchan Kacchan!". He was sick of it.

The second thing in his shitty week, Katsuki was jumped by a villain. He was jumped by a villain whose quirk is essentially being fucking jello. How embarrassing was that? Katsuki had clearly been minding his business, dismissing the extras that had told him he'd gone too far with Deku that day (Katsuki wouldn't admit they were right, he had never gone as far as to try and physically hurt him and only resorted to name calling). And the next thing he knew he was being suffocated with no control over his own body or quirk. Sparks were flying everywhere when he was struggling to breathe, Katsuki shivered at the memory. He would never forget the feeling of being so close to death, so close to passing out while the black dots danced in his vision with his head light (even if he wanted to). He had watched almost a dozen pros gather with blurry vision, from tears or from the smoke Katsuki couldn't tell. But none of them stepped in to help him (some shit about not having the proper quirk, Katsuki later learned). The pros saved him as quickly as they could, with Katsuki just barely holding onto consciousness. The whole ordeal after that had been pretty much a blur for Katsuki, he couldn't remember the rest of the day very well besides some pieces here and there. The most clear memory was him reaching his house and the police telling him to stay at home and 'rest'.

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