omg i love teen wolf!

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Izuku stared at the letter in his shaking hands. Not even two minutes ago his mom had come bursting through the living room with tears in her eyes, waving it around like a madman (madmom?). Izuku took a deep breath before ripping the letter open, a little aggressive, sure. But he was nervous, okay? And when he was nervous he did stupid things. A circular tile landed on his desk, making a clattering sound as it spun and eventually stilled on his desk. Izuku gasped as the thing lit up. "I am here as, a projection!" Izuku jumped, his gaze immediately flicking from the tile up to the projected video of...

"All Might?!" Izuku gaped. He was so close to the camera that Izuku could count his eyebrow hairs (and he did, just a few over 250). Seeing his idol made his stomach turn. I guess I still haven't gotten over that day... a part of him thought as he stared wide eyed. Izuku looked from the torn letter and then back up to the projection, "wait, this is from U.A., right...?" as if it wouldn't be, why would the Symbol of Peace send him a letter? To say sorry for crushing his dreams? "What the heck." Izuku watched All Might grin.

"You must be surprised to hear from me, the Symbol of Peace! Well, say hello to U.A.'s newest faculty member!" he shouted, his hands balled into fists sitting on his hips, a classic hero pose. All Might's working at U.A.? Izuku thought, his stomach turning again. Would that mean if he actually got in he would see him around school? Izuku couldn't tell if the nervousness he was feeling was good or bad. Excitement or dread. "Well!" Projection-Might started, "It seems here," he paused —as if reading something behind the camera—"Young Midoriya, that you passed the written exam with flying colors! Congratulations! Of course, that means you pass!" Izuku felt a grin slip past his face, and he pumped his fists in the air. 

"Hell yeah!" he laughed, he would have to tell mom and Shinso the good news! All Might reached out his hand palm up, reaching for the camera.

"Come, Young Midoriya. This is your hero academia!" Izuku stared at the video, lip pressed into a line, tears forming in his eyes. He wouldn't cry, so he wiped them away. He wouldn't cry, he put away the tablet. He wouldn't cry, he unfolded the small piece of paper which he assumed to be the letter. As he read it, he kept repeating that he wouldn't cry.

"Dear Midoriya,

On behalf of U.A. Highschool, we are happy ton congratulate you on passing the entrance exam with flying colors, and being accepted into our school. Our school presents a unique opportunities for hero students, hero support, general education, and buisness students. You scored exceptionally well in all sections of your tests, and we believe you will make a great addition to U.A. High, I personally hope you will exceed in all of your classes.

Thank you for choosing U.A. Highschool, and good luck.


Principal Nezu"

When Izuku showed his mom the (not) tear stained acceptance letter, she cried almost as much as he did(n't). If not more. She hugged him tightly and told him just how proud she was of him, and Izuku couldn't stop smiling. He couldn't wait to start high school! He wondered if Shinso got in too...

"Who am I kidding, of course he did." he mumbled to himself on the rooftop. His mom went to sleep early, and Izuku ended up sneaking out of his window. His face felt warm from the mask (and for no other reasons at all) as he thought about Shinso. Izuku leaned against the retailing, his legs slid in between the gaps in the bars as he sat with his back towards the roof door. He stared out at the empty and quiet buildings, the city was asleep tonight besides the occasional light left on. Which illuminated the sidewalks softly along with the street lamps. Tonight was quiet, and Izuku was extremely bored. Jumping from roof to roof was fun though, he'd been getting better at it these days, he'd been practicing. He'd been spending most days working out, mostly from nerves of school starting back up again. He had a pretty memorable send off from his middle school, what with the whole meeting Shinso and Bakugo finding and reading his book.

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