A lot of things

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Izuku Midoriya was a lot of things. Kind, cute, exited, driven, green, smart. But if there was one thing Izuku was not. It was physically fit. The boy had researched a lot of different types of way to be stronger, he planned a diet and a schedule to fit in with school and homework, he had looked up running routes and even nearby gyms. It was one thing planning it though, putting into action was another.

Izuku was barely a week into his workout and still couldn't run his route without being painfully out of breath with a cramp making his sides ache. (At one point he almost collapsed from taking a detour to watch another villain fight) But Izuku continued his daily runs and diet. Why? Because Izuku Midoriya was beginning to become fed up of people thinking he looked like an easy target, yeah sure, Izuku admitted, being slightly stronger and slightly healthier wasn't going to stop the harassment per-say but... it sure as hell might help. (Besides, with his luck, Izuku was almost certain he'd run into the third mugger before the end of this month)

On some occasions Izuku would run on the beach, mostly over the weekends when he had more free time. The sand made it harder for him but Izuku wasn't really the type to give up so easily. No matter how much he hated the beach he didn't give up, no matter how much sand he found in his shoes, he didn't give up. He wouldn't. If asked, Izuku would say he would say he was doing this because he was fed up of his classmates unrelenting harassment. Or that he wanted to feel safer when walking home. And yeah, while that might be true, what he wouldn't say was he liked the feeling of people thinking he was strong. Izuku didnt know how many times he had read the article, more than ten was sure. But he couldn't help but feel... relieved. They had no idea who he was. What was his quirk? Was he or was he not a vigilante? Izuku would never admit it aloud, but he liked people not knowing for once that he was part of the minority.

Izuku had sat and pondered about the idea. About being a vigilante. At first, he was against the idea, but it kept creeping back into his mind. The question "what if you actually become a vigilante?" stuck in his mind and wasn't leaving any time soon. Him? a vigilante? Yeah, sure, it wasn't technically illegal. But 'technically' probably wasn't good enough when you get caught and have to go to court for vigilanteism, Izuku. A law is still a law. A quirkless loser like him couldn't be a hero, what made him think he would make a good vigilante? An article? What difference would he make? One less quirkless person in the world is what.

But thats not true, Izuku told himself. He's already made a difference, hasn't he? Granted, one person isn't a very big difference. But it was still one person safe. Being a vigilante is the closest thing he could become to a hero, right? Izuku had promptly sat up with an aching head. He didn't need this kind of mindset right before school, he had already come to terms that he'd never be a hero that day on the roof.

Izuku had been ten minutes late to school that day.

Katsuki Bakugo rarely ever got into fist fights. Most people were to scared to make eye contact with him, let alone fight him. He knew it probably wasn't great to have fist fights on his school record, but Katsuki had decided to make an exception. Katsuki had, as he always does, been minding his business when an extra (who goes by the name of Who-the-fuck-cares) decided to be brave and make a jab at him. Now, this wasn't the first time one of Katsuki's classmates had thought it a good idea to provoke him, but it sure as hell be the last. "Why didn't you fight the villain if you have such a great quirk?" he had asked. Katsuki, being the great guy he is, decided to enlighten his classmate with a hard punch in the jaw.

"How's that great for you fucker?!" a sharp kick to the stomach aught to make him throw up his audacity. The kid, now curled up clutching his stomach sobbing on the gross cafeteria floor, looked up at him with a face only Jesus could love. This fucker made the bold decision of thinking he was better than the all mighty Bakugo Katsuki, what a bold fucking mistake that was! Who does he think he is? Just because some D lister villain got the jump on him? Took him by surprise? If it wasn't for his fucking amazing ass quirk, he would've been dead. And Katuski knew for a god damn fact that if it was this unnamed extra, he would've been some walking meat suit for a cup of jello with eyes.

Katsuki didn't remember getting on top of the guy, beating him until he was all six colors of the rainbow, he was panting like a mad man. The extras face was proactively covered in his own blood, tears, and snot. At one point someone had tried to pry him off of him, and it took a few more people for him to actually get off the guy, who was cradling his nose while sobbing his ass out. fucking weak. He couldn't handle that? What about a fucking villain attack? Do ya think he would've been able to handle that? Fuck no. Katsuki spat on the floor as he tore his arms away from the other students.

Someone blocked is view from the extra. "Bakugo, can you hear me? Bakugou," a sigh. "we need to talk about this in my office, come with me kiddo." a hand on his shoulder. Katsuki glared up at him, who he's just now realizing is the principal. ( fuck ). The hand on his shoulder guided to the door to the hallway. The blond looked back at the crowd of students, and spotted a head of green hair.

If looks could kill, Izuku would be dead on the floor. The nerd was staring at bloody-face with his eyebrows furrowed, which was weird enough (Katsuki knew from experience that the freak threw up every time he looked at blood) if he hadn't been writing in a damn notebook. A new one, Katsuki realized. The other one being burnt to a crisp. Katsuki shivered at the idea that Deku could have been stalking him during his break from school. Fucking CREEP. Who does he think he is? Taking notes like he's actually going to use them? Like he's actually going to become a hero?

"Bakugo? Are you ok, son?" the principal called, eyebrows raised as he continued to urge him to walk. He huffed, rolling his eyes away from the fucking nerd and stomping ahead of the man towards his office.

"Im not your fucking son." he mumbled.

AN: sorry sorry sorry this is so short i do have a part three i swear i'm just working on it, i was at a wedding for most of my break from school and then i fell down the stairs twice and now everything hurts

Vigilante: Deku Means UselessWhere stories live. Discover now