It Must Be Fate

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Izuku suddenly wasn't so exited about school anymore. The weeks had flown by, and suddenly he'd had to pull on his new uniform and struggled to tie his tie (his mom had to help him, but even then it still looked like it had been run over). He had packed his bag, pulled on his shoes, and before he knew it he was standing outside U.A., his student ID hanging loosely by a lanyard around his neck. There was reporters crowding around the school, shoving mics into students faces, a few faculty members tried to get them to back off but their efforts showed no effect.

Nervously, Izuku pushed past the ground and walked through the gates. The inside of the school still came as a shock to Izuku, even though he had snuck in here only weeks before. The crumpled map wasn't helping him one bit, and Izuku quickly got turned around. If he was late for his first day at his dream school he wouldn't ever forgive himself!

"Are you lost?" Izuku jumped, but when he looked around no one was there. Besides a few other stragglers, who clearly hadn't noticed Izuku, much less had spoken to him. "Over here." Izuku turned, to be met with...


"AH!" Izuku screamed, tripping over his shoelace, and falling on his butt. What's up with him and falling over every time he sets foot in U.A.? Was he cursed?

"Oops! Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" the face grinned, he seemed to be a couple years older than Izuku. Was he a student? "My names Mirio Togata! I'm a third year here at U.A.!" the face —Togata— stepped out of the wall, revealing a white, yellow, red and blue suit. It had a large yellow 'one million!' on his chest. His —not exactly flowing— red cape reached his ankles. His grin got wider when he noticed Izuku staring wide eyed. "Like it? It's made from my hair! Us third years in the hero course were instructed to wear our hero suits for a back-to-school exercise!"

Izuku's hand twitched, but he remembered he had left his notebook at home. He didn't want his classmates to think he was creepy when they first meet. He wanted to ask Togata what his quirk was, why his suit is made out of his hair. But, he didn't want to freak him out, and even more didn't want to be late. "Um, do you think you could help me out? I'm a little lost." Togata's grin got bigger.

"Of course! Where ya headed?"

"Um, class 1-C." Izuku said as he tied his shoes laces again, double knotting them. Just to make sure.

"General course! Alrighty! So you're gonna wanna make a couple turns and..." as Togata explained where he needed to go, Izuku wondered if they'd meet again. Probably not, after all, U.A. is a pretty big school. Izuku thanked him and made his way through the school, following Togata's explanations carefully. Until, he finally made it to a comically large door labeled '1-C'. Izuku assumed the large door was for the students who had mutant type quirks.

Izuku's teacher, Mr. Toketaude (a minor hero, his quirk 'Molten Arms' allowed him to turn his arms to molten lava at will, making him helpful in rescue situations and villain pursuits) stood at a podium. He turned to Izuku as he opened the door.

"Hello, got lost?" he smiled. He seems nice, Izuku thought, though he decided to judge once he got to know him better. Izuku's experience with teachers probably wasn't the best. He had light brown hair and a stubble, a scar split his left eyebrow with brown eyes to match his hair. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry." Izuku smiled sheepishly.

"Nah, don't worry about it, its the first day of school. You're bound to get lost, U.A. is practically a maze for new students." he nodded to a seat near the front that hadn't been taken by the other students. "Take a seat, we'll start introductions as soon as the other lost students get here." Izuku took the second seat back, sitting next to a girl with fins for ears and baby blue hair. For the next couple minutes, Mr. Toketaude began explaining the layout of the school as the rest of Izuku's class found them. "Alright, now who's ready for some icebreakers?"

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